Adding Ozone HttpFS gateway

Ozone now supports HttpFS gateway. This allows Ozone to integrate with other tools through REST APIs. HttpFS service is a Jetty based web application that uses the Hadoop FileSystem API to talk to the cluster. HttpFS service is an optional role available in an Ozone cluster.

  • You must have Ozone 718.2.x on the Ozone cluster.
  • Ensure the Cloudera Manager version is 7.10.1.
  1. Restart the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster to ensure dependent components use the correct version of Ozone.
  2. Assign the HttpFS Gateway role to one of the instances.
    1. Log in to Cloudera Manager
    2. Go to Clusters > Ozone-1 > Instances
    3. Click Add Role Instances
    4. Select one of the hosts for the HttpFS Gateway role and Save
      You should see the following roles:

    5. Start the HttpFS Gateway role.