1.1. Terms and Definitions

The following basic terms help describe the key concepts associated with Ambari Alerts:




Alert Definition

Defines the alert including the description, check interval, type and thresholds.


The type of alert, such as PORT or METRIC.


Indicates the state of an alert definition. Enabled or disabled. When disabled, no alert instances are created.

Alert Instance

Represents the specific alert instances based on an alert definition. For example, the alert definition for DataNode process will have an alert instance per DataNode in the cluster.


An alert instance status is defined by severity. The most common severity levels are OK, WARN, CRIT but there are also severities for UNKNOWN and NONE. See “Alert Instances” for more information.


The thresholds assigned to each status.

Alert Group

Grouping of alert definitions, useful for handling notifications targets.


A notification target for when an alert instance status changes. Methods of notification include EMAIL and SNMP.

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