1. Configuring Your Cluster for Pig View

Configuring HDFS for Pig

You must set up an HDFS proxy user for the Ambari daemon account. For example, if ambari-server daemon is running as root, you set up a proxy user for root in core-site by clicking HDFS > Configs > Advanced > Custom core-site > Add Property, and then add the following key-value pairs in the Add Property dialog box:



Click Add to add the property to core-site.

You must also set up an HDFS proxy user for WebHCat. For example, if your WebHCat server is running as hcat, you set up a proxy user for hcat in core-site. In the same HDFS advanced core-site settings pane, click Add Property, add the following key-value pairs to the Add Property dialog box, and then click Addto add them to core-site:



Ambari views use the doAs option for commands. This option enables the Ambari process user to impersonate the Ambari logged-in user. To avoid receiving permissions errors for job submissions and file save operations, you must create HDFS users for all Ambari users that use the views.

Configuring WebHCat for Pig

You must set up a WebHCat proxy user for the Ambari daemon account. For example, if ambari-server daemon is running as root, you set up a proxy user for root in webhcat-site by clicking Hive > Configs > Advanced > Custom webhcat-site > Add Property, add the following key-value pairs in the Add Property dialog box, and then click Add to add them to webhcat-site:



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