Chapter 4. Configuring Views for Kerberos

If the cluster your views will communicate with is Kerberos-enabled, you need to configure the Ambari Server instance(s) for Kerberos and be sure to configure the views to work with Kerberos.

Refer to the Set Up Kerberos for Ambari for the instructions on how to configure Ambari Server for Kerberos. Be sure to configure all standalone Ambari Server instances.


Be sure to install the Kerberos client utilities on the Ambari Server so that Ambari can kinit.

RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux

yum install krb5-workstation


zypper install krb5-client

Once your Ambari Server is setup for Kerberos, be sure to follow the specific instructions with each view on how to configure the view for Kerberos and the cluster for Kerberos access from the view.

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