4.4.1. Upgrade Ranger

  1. Back Up Your Ranger Configuration Directories

    Ranger Admin

    mv /etc/ranger/admin/conf /etc/ranger/admin/conf.saved

    ln -s /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/conf /etc/ranger/admin/conf

    ls -la /etc/ranger/admin/

    Ranger Usersync

    mv /etc/ranger/usersync/conf /etc/ranger/usersync/conf.saved

    ln -s /usr/hdp/current/ranger-usersync/conf /etc/ranger/usersync/conf

    ls -la /etc/ranger/usersync

  2. On the Ranger host, update the Ranger Admin install properties file:

    vi /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/install.properties

    using the values from /usr/hdp/2.2.x.y-z/ranger-admin/install.properties.

    The following table lists the HDP 2.2 property strings and the HDP 2.3 property labels for Ranger:

    HDP 2.2 install.properties

    HDP 2.3 Ambari Web UI > Property Names


    DB Settings > DB FLAVOR


    Admin Settings > Sql Connector Jar location


    DB Settings > Ranger DB root user


    DB Settings > Ranger DB root password


    DB Settings > Ranger DB host


    DB Settings > Ranger DB name


    DB Settings > Ranger DB username


    DB Settings > Ranger DB password


    DB Settings > Ranger Audit DB name


    DB Settings > Ranger Audit DB username


    DB Settings > Ranger Audit DB password


    Ranger Settings > External URL
  3. Copy the SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR from the location specified in in install.properties to the following directory:


  4. Copy the ranger-admin-default-site.xml file:

    cp /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/conf.dist/ranger-admin-default-site.xml /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/conf

  5. Copy the security-applicationContext.xml file:

    cp /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/conf.dist/security-applicationContext.xml /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/conf

  6. On the Ranger admin/ Ranger user sync host, export the RANGER_ADMIN_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables.

    export RANGER_ADMIN_HOME=/usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk64/jdk1.7.0_67

  7. On the Ranger host, run the following command:

    chown -R ranger:ranger /usr/hdp/2.3.2.x-y/ranger-admin/

  8. On the Ranger host, run the Ranger Admin dba_script and db_setup python scripts, as follows:

    python /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/dba_script.py -q

    python /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/db_setup.py

  9. From Ambari Web UI, select Ranger > Summary and click on the Ranger Admin component link. Choose Start from the Ranger Admin drop-down menu.

  10. Choose Ok to confirm Ranger Admin start.

  11. On the Ranger host, run the dba_setup patch script, as follows:

    python /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-admin/db_setup.py -javapatch

  12. Create symbolic links and overwrite any existing destination files for the Ranger UserSync service.

    ln -sf /usr/hdp/2.3.x.y-z/ranger-usersync/ranger-usersync-services.sh /usr/bin/ranger-usersync

  13. From Ambari Web UI, select Ranger > Summary and click on the Ranger UserSync component link. Choose Start from the Ranger UserSync drop-down menu.

  14. Choose Ok to confirm Ranger UserSync start.

  15. From Ambari Web UI, select Ranger and choose Restart All from the Service Actions menu.

  16. After Ranger has started, select Run Service Check from the Service Actions menu. Confirm the Service Check passes.

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