1. Customizing Ambari Server Log + PID Directories
Use the following instructions to modify the Ambari Server Log and PID locations.
On the Ambari Server host, stop the Ambari Server:
ambari-server stop
To modify the PID location, edit the Ambari Server properties file:
vi /etc/ambari-server/conf/ambari.properties
Modify the
property and save the file:pid.dir=/var/run/ambari-server
To modify the Log location, edit the Ambari Server log4j file:
vi /etc/ambari-server/conf/log4j.properties
Modify the
property and save the file:ambari.log.dir=${ambari.root.dir}/var/log/ambari-server
Create the new directories and be sure to set the directory ownership and permissions to allow the Ambari Server process access.
Restart the Ambari Server.
ambari-server start