Apache Ambari Upgrade for IBM Power Systems
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Upgrading Ambari Metrics


  1. Confirm that Ambari Metrics service is stopped and in Maintenance Mode.

    1. If Ambari Metrics service is not stopped, from Ambari Web, browse to Services > Ambari Metrics and select Stop from the Service Actions menu.

  2. On every host in your cluster running a Metrics Monitor, run the following commands:

    For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

    yum clean all
    yum upgrade ambari-metrics-monitor ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink
  3. Execute the following command on all hosts running the Metrics Collector:

    yum upgrade ambari-metrics-collector
  4. Execute the following command on the host running the Grafana component:

    yum upgrade ambari-metrics-grafana

DO NOT START the Ambari Metrics System service. It will be started automatically during the HDP upgrade process.

Next Steps

Upgrading SmartSense