Troubleshooting Cloudbreak on Azure
Cloudbreak Deployment Errors
Invalid Resource Reference
Example error message:
Resource /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/cbdeployerVnet/
subnets/cbdeployerSubnet referenced by resource /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/Manulife-ADLS/providers/
Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/cbdeployerNic was not found.
Please make sure that the referenced resource exists, and that both resources are in the same region.
Symptom: The most common reason for this error is that you did not provide the Vnet RG Name (last parameter in the template).
Solution: When launching Cloudbreak, under "Vnet RG Name" provide the name of the resource group in which the selected VNet is located. If using a new VNet, enter the same resource group name as in "Resource group".
Credential Creation Errors
Role already exists
Example error message: Role already exists in Azure with the name: CloudbreakCustom50
Symptom: You specified that you want to create a new role for Cloudbreak credential, but an existing role with the same name already exists in Azure.
Solution: You should either rename the role during credential creation or select the Reuse existing custom role
Role does not exist
Example error message: Role does not exist in Azure with the name: CloudbreakCustom60
Symptom: You specified that you want to reuse an existing role for your Cloudbreak credential, but that particular role does not exist in Azure.
Solution: You should either rename the new role during the credential creation to match the existing role's name or select the Let Cloudbreak create a custom role
Role does not have enough privileges
Example error message: CloudbreakCustom 50 role does not have enough privileges to be used by Cloudbreak!
Symptom: You specified that you want to reuse an existing role for your Cloudbreak credential, but that particular role does not have the necessary privileges for Cloudbreak cluster management.
Solution: You should either select an existing role with enough privileges or select the Let Cloudbreak create a custom role
The necessary action set for Cloudbreak to be able to manage the clusters includes:
Client does not have authorization
Example error message:
Failed to verify credential: Status code 403, {"error":{"code":"AuthorizationFailed",
"message":"The client 'X' with object id 'z' does not have authorization to perform action
'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read' over scope 'subscriptions/...'"}
Symptom: Your Azure account does not have sufficient permissions to create a Coudbreak credential.
Solution: If you get this error during interactive credential creation, please ensure that your Azure account has Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write
permission. Otherwise contact your Azure administrator to either give your account that permission or create the necessary resources for the app-based credential creation method.
Cloud not validate publickey certificate
Example error message:
Could not validate publickey certificate [certificate: 'fdfdsf'], detailed message:
Corrupt or unknown public key file format
Symptom: The syntax of your SSH public key is incorrect.
Solution: You must correct the syntax of your SSH key. For information about the correct syntax, refer to this page.