Creating a Cluster on OpenStack
Also available as:

Default cluster configurations

Cloudbreak includes default cluster configurations (in the form of blueprints) and supports using your own custom cluster configurations (in the form of custom blueprints).

The following default cluster configurations are available:

HDP 2.6

Cluster type Main services Description List of all services
Data Science Spark 2, Zeppelin Useful for data science with Spark 2 and Zeppelin. HDFS, YARN, MapReduce2, Tez, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics, Spark 2, Zeppelin
EDW - Analytics Hive 2 LLAP, Zeppelin Useful for EDW analytics using Hive LLAP. HDFS, YARN, MapReduce2, Tez, Hive 2 LLAP, Druid, Pig, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics, Spark 2
EDW - ETL Hive, Spark 2 Useful for ETL data processing with Hive and Spark 2. HDFS, YARN, MapReduce2, Tez, Hive, Pig, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics, Spark 2

HDF 3.2

Cluster type Main services Description List of all services
Flow Management NiFi Useful for flow management with NiFi. NiFi, NiFi Registry, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics
Messaging Management Kafka Useful for messaging management with Kafka. Kafka, ZooKeeper, Ambari Metrics