Cloudbreak Release Notes
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Fixed issues

The following issues were fixed in Cloudbreak 2.9.0:

As of December 31, 2021, Cloudbreak reached end of support. For more information, see Support lifecycle policy. Cloudera recommends that you migrate your workloads to CDP Public Cloud.

Issue Description Category
BUG-85653 Add missing documentation for how to set custom domain and custom hostname when creating a cluster. Documentation
BUG-110397 The Clusters dashboard is very slow when there are more than 50 items. Usability
BUG-116758 External database cannot be added for a cluster attached to a data lake. Usability
BUG-117245 Decrease UI container image sizes by removing cached data. Usability
BUG-116622 In case of advanced kerberos config with manage_krb5_conf=true cb must not set up a krb5.conf by salt. Stability
BUG-116582 Cbd LDAP mapping command warning when a remote database is used. Usability
BUG-116581 Cbd create-bundle command should remove LDAP password from uaa.yml. Security
BUG-112581 Cloudbreak LDAP configuration overrides "ldap-group-name-attribute" value with "ldap-group-member-attribute". Stability
BUG-109889 Cluster create command with HA blueprint fails with "status code: 500, message: Incorrect number of 'HIVE_SERVER' components are in '[master_nn1, master_nn2]' hostgroups: count: 2, min: 1 max: 1" error Stability
BUG-117357 SLES can't install mpack, missing xmllint. Stability
 BUG-99322 "@#$%|:&*;" in blueprint name causes "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" error. Usability
BUG-110657 Remove num_llap_nodes configuration from LLAP blueprint. The number of LLAP nodes should be determined by Ambari based on the available memory. Usability
BUG-105326 GCP quickstart throws resource warning for source_image version. Usability
BUG-105308 In some cases, when a cluster is terminated while its creation process is still pending, the cluster termination fails with the following exception: "Unable to find com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.domain.Constraint with id 2250". Stability
BUG-110505 Blueprint file upload fails the second time if using the same file name. Usability
BUG-106665 "Region doesn't contain availability zone" exception when availability-zone is not set on AWS. Usability
BUG-105439 When the master node goes down or is removed, the cluster remains in available status. Usability
BUG-105309 In some cases, when a cluster is terminated while its creation process is still pending, blueprint remains attached to the cluster, causing the following error when one tries to delete the blueprint: "There is a cluster 'perftest-d0e5q5y7lj' which uses blueprint 'multinode-hdfs-yarn-ez0plywf2c'. Please remove this cluster before deleting the blueprint". Usability
BUG-110336 Swagger response AmbariRepoDetails has extra mandatory field. Usability
BUG-105312 When you delete an existing scaling policy or an existing alert, you will see the following confirmation message: "Scaling policy / Alert has been saved". This message should state: "Scaling policy / Alert has been deleted". The deletion occurs correctly, but the confirmation message is incorrect. Usability
BUG-108976 OS user does not get propagated correctly in Azure quickstart. As a result, the quickstart template times out due to incorrect user. Stability
BUG-110090 It is possible to delete a data lake cluster while a cluster attached to this data lake exists. Stability
BUG-106868 No base image is available and therefore no cluster can be created when custom HDF version is larger than 3.1. Usability
BUG-109037 Active Directory password that includes the ">" character is not escaped in Knox SSO config. Stability
BUG-109038 Image base AMI is invalid for centos7. Stability
BUG-108767 Default post cluster install recipes do not run. Stability
BUG-108064 Recipe error shown in the UI even when something other than a recipe failed. Usability
BUG-107643 HDP repo parameters in the UI are incorrect and confusing. Usability
BUG-106440 Unable to register a database in Cloudbreak when the URL contains a hyphen in the database's name. Usability
BUG-105997 m5 instance type for AWS should allow to use ST1 (Throughput Optimized HDD) storage. Usability
BUG-106140 Wrong JSON format is generated if SSO is not configured in Gateway. Stability
BUG-105498 Cloudbreak UI generates incorrect OpenStack resource links. Usability
BUG-105205 When the ambari server host was removed from a HA cluster with autorepair on Ambari server hostgroup, no autorepair occurred. Stability
BUG-105065 Error message is missing in the CLI when ldap server has no port. Usability
BUG-105445 Document to remove VM dependencies on Azure. Documentation
BUG-109668 Document minimal Azure role. Documentation
RMP-11561 Document prerequisites for supported browsers. Documentation
BUG-105503 Document adding a green SSL certificate to access Ambari. Documentation