Creating a Cluster on GCP
Also available as:

Shared networks

The “Shared Networks” option allows you to create a cluster in a shared Google Cloud VPC.

To use this option, you must have a host project which has a registered domain name with a preconfigured shared VPC (a VPC that is shared between multiple projects) and a subproject which has access to the shared VPC. Such setup is typically performed by your administrator. For more information, refer to Shared VPC overview in Google documentation.

To access this option:

  1. In the create cluster wizard, navigate to the Network and Availability page.
  2. Click Shared Networks.
  3. Provide the following information:
    Parameter Description
    Host project Id Enter the ID of project where the VPC was created.
    Shared Network Enter the name of your shared VPC that was created in the host project entered under Host project Id.
    Shared Subnet Enter the name of your existing subnet within the VPC entered under Shared Subnet.
    Do not create public IPs (Optional) Check this option if you don’t want to create public IPs for this existing network.