Data Analytics Studio Installation
Also available as:

Adding the DAS service through the Ambari UI

After you successfully install the DAS MPack through the Ambari console, add the DAS service through the Ambari UI.

If you choose to use a managed Postgres database, then we recommend you to not install the DAS Webapp on the Ambari host, because there is a possibility that Ambari would have installed a Postgres database of its own. This can result into a conflict. However, if you are using a custom Postgres database, then the database resides on an isolated instance, and there is no chance of a conflict.
  1. Sign in to the Ambari host with your credentials.
  2. If you are using a local repository, then specify it in the dasbn-repo field.
    1. Go to Ambari > Admin > Stacks and Versions > Versions and click Show Details.
    2. On the Version Details pop-up, click the Edit Repositories icon.
    3. On the Repositories screen, specify the local repository URL in the dasbn-repo field and click Save.
  3. In the Ambari Services navigation pane, click Actions > Add Service.
    The Add Service Wizard is displayed.
  4. On the Choose Services page of the Wizard, select Data Analytics Studio.
    Other required services are automatically selected.
  5. When prompted to confirm the addition of dependent services, give a positive confirmation to all.
    This adds the other required services.
  6. On the Assign Masters page, assign the nodes for the Webapp and the Event Processor as per your configuration outline.
  7. On the Customize Services page, expand Advance_data_analytics_studio-database and fill in the database details and other required fields that are highlighted.
    1. If you have installed Postgres database on your own, then:
      1. Uncheck Create Data Analytics Studio database.
      2. Set the database host in the Data Analytics Studio database hostname.
      3. Set the database username in Data Analytics Studio database username.
      The hostname is ignored if the Create Data Analytics Studio database option is checked, and the database will be installed on the same host as the Webapp.
    2. Database Password - Enter the password.

    You can set the credentials as per your requirement.

  8. If Hive SSL is enabled, set the Hive session params in DAS configuration as follows:
  9. In the user_authentication field, specify the authentication method that you want to use. You can specify one of the following:
    • NONE: Specify NONE if you do not want to enable user authentication. In this case, all the queries will be executed as the hive service user.
    • KNOX_SSO: Specify KNOX_SSO to enable single sign-on experience to authenticate users as configured in the Knox SSO topology.
    • KNOX_PROXY: Specify KNOX_PROXY to use DAS behind a Knox proxy. The user is authenticated as configured in the Knox proxy topology. It also enables SPNEGO authentication.
    • SPNEGO: Specify SPNEGO to authenticate users using a token-based authentication.
    You can configure the user authentication separately, after you have added the DAS service. See Configuring user authentication.
  10. Complete the remaining installation wizard steps and exit the wizard.
  11. Ensure that all components required for your DAS service have started successfully.
  12. Restart all the affected services in Ambari.