Hortonworks Docs
Data Analytics Studio 1.3.0
Data Analytics Studio Installation
Data Analytics Studio Installation
Also available as:
Installation roadmap
Support requirements
System requirements
Version recommendation for DAS
Understanding and obtaining DAS binaries
Pre-installation tasks
Install the prerequisite components and services
Check cluster configuration for Hive and Tez
Check cluster configuration for Hive and Tez (HDP 2.6.5)
Create and set up a local repository
Prepare the web server for the local repository
Setting up the local repository
Creating the repository configuration file
Evaluate your database options
Configure Postgres database
For CentOS
For Debian
For Ubuntu
Installing Data Analytics Studio
Installing the DAS cluster components
Adding the DAS service through the Ambari UI
Post-installation tasks
Setting up the tmp directory
Additional configuration tasks
(Recommended) Configuring DAS for SSL/TLS
Set up trusted CA certificate
Set up self-signed certificates
Configure SSL/TLS in Ambari
Configuring user authentication
Configuring user authentication using Knox SSO
Configuring user authentication using Knox proxy
Setting up quick links for the DAS UI
Configuring user authentication using SPNEGO
Configuring Knox SSO for HA clusters
Enabling logout option for secure clusters
(Optional) Installing DAS in DataPlane
Installing the DAS-DP App in DP
Enabling the clusters for DAS on the DP Platform
Adding users and assigning roles for the DAS application
Pre-installation tasks
Review and complete the following tasks before installing DAS:
Install the prerequisite components and services
You need an Ambari cluster with the following components and services to install and use DAS: YARN, HDFS, Hive, and Knox and Ranger for secure clusters.
Check cluster configuration for Hive and Tez
Check the configuration settings for Hive and Tez in the Ambari UI.
Check cluster configuration for Hive and Tez (HDP 2.6.5)
Check the configuration settings for Hive and Tez in this topic if you are using HDP 2.6.5.
Create and set up a local repository
Hortonworks does not host any public repository for DAS. Therefore, you need to setup a local repository to install the binaries. If you already have a DataPlane deployment, then you have this local repository set up as part of the DP setup process, and you can use the same for the DAS binaries.
Evaluate your database options
DAS requires a PostgreSQL database for storing query event information. During the installation, you can choose to have DAS install and configure a default, embedded PostgreSQL database for use, or you can configure an external PostgreSQL database. You can do this by checking or unchecking the
Create Data Analytics Studio database
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