Hive data cannot be replicated
If an initial Hive replication (bootstrap) fails in DLM, review the following possible causes and resolutions to try resolving the issue.
Notification events are missing in the meta store
Target database is bootstrapped from some other path.
File is missing from both the source and CM path.
Either the dump directory does not exist or it is not accessible
If the dump location does not exist, you can resume the policy and the DLM Engine creates a new dump.
If the directory is not accessible, you need to set the required permissions.
The source for the replication (repl.source.for) is not set in the database properties.
On the source database, use DESC DATABASE EXTENDED <db_name> to determine if the parameter repl.source.for is set with the policy name.
If the policy is scheduled and the above parameter is not set, then set the parameter using ALTER DATABASE <db_name> SET DBPROPERTIES 'repl.source.for'='<policy_name>'.
Then resume the policy from the DLM App UI.