DLM Installation and Upgrade
Also available as:

Security considerations

Ports need to be open for Beacon, Knox, Atlas, and DataNodes.

Have the following ports available and open on each cluster:

Default Port Number Purpose Comments Required to be open?
25968 Port for DLM Engine (Beacon) service on hosts

Accessibility is required from all clusters.

“Beacon” is the internal name for the DLM Engine. You will see the name Beacon in some paths, commands, etc.

8020 NameNode host Yes
50010 All DataNode hosts Yes
8080 Ambari server host Yes
10000 HiveServer2 host Binary mode port (Thrift) Yes
10001 HiveServer2 host HTTP mode port Yes
9083 Hive metastore Yes
2181 ZooKeeper hosts Yes
6080 Ranger port Yes
21000/21443 Atlas endpoint for Web UI and rest endpoint Default non-SSL: 21000, SSL: 21443 Yes
8050 YARN port Yes