Data Steward Studio Installation and Upgrade
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Pre-upgrade tasks

Perform the following pre-upgrade tasks before you try to upgrade the DataPlane Profiler and Data Steward Studio app.

  1. Stop the DSS App container. Log in to DataPlane host and run:
    docker stop dss-app
  2. Stop the DataPlane Profiler service. Log in to Ambari of the HDP cluster and stop the DataPlane Profiler service.
  3. From the DataPlane Profiler configuration on Ambari, make a note of the following configurations:
    • DataPlane Profiler Extra JARs
    • Hiveserver Interactive JDBC URL (on HDP3)
    • Enable Knox Single Sign On for Profiler Service
    • Knox SSO Public Key
  4. Make a note of the database configuration details used for the DataPlane Profiler service.
  5. Delete the DataPlane Profiler service from Ambari.
  6. Make sure you retain the Ranger configuration details when prompted.
  7. Uncheck all the configurations, when prompted to retain the current values.
  8. After stopping and deleting Profiler Agent service, log in to Profiler Agent machine and navigate to the tmp directory.
    cd /tmp
  9. Access the upgrade tarball from the installation artifacts already downloaded. Unarchive the contents of downloaded upgrade archive(zip) file: