Also available as:

Update Properties

HCP configuration information is stored in Apache ZooKeeper as a series of JSON files.

You can populate your ZooKeeper configurations from multiple locations:

  • $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper

  • Management UI

  • Ambari

  • Stellar REPL

Because Ambari explicitly manages some of these configuration properties, if you change a property explicitly managed by Ambari from a mechanism outside of Ambari, such as the Management UI, Ambari is aware of this change and overwrites it whenever the Metron topology is restarted. Therefore, you should modify Ambari-managed properties only in Ambari.

For example, the es.ip property is managed explicitly by Ambari. If you modify es.ip and change the global.json file outside Ambari, you will not see this change in Ambari. Meanwhile, the indexing topology would be using the new value stored in ZooKeeper. You will not receive any errors notifying you of the discrepancy between ZooKeeper and Ambari. However, when you restart the Metron topology component via Ambari, the es.ip property would be set back to the value stored in Ambari.

Following are the Ambari-managed properties:

Table 1. Ambari-Managed Properties
Global Configuration Property Name Ambari Name
es.clustername es_cluster_name
es.ip es_hosts
es.port es_port es_date_format
profiler.period.duration profiler_period_duration
profiler.period.duration.units profiler_period_units
update.hbase.table update_hbase_table update_hbase_cf
geo.hdfs.file geo_hdfs_file