Installing HDF Services on a New HDP Cluster
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Install Postgres

Before You Begin

If you have already installed a MySQL database, you may skip these steps.


You must install Postgres 9.5 or later for SAM and Schema Registry. Ambari does not install Postgres 9.5, so you must perform a manual Postgres installation.


  1. Install RPM (change as necessary for your OS)

    yum install
  2. Install 9.5+ Postgres database

    yum install postgresql96-server postgresql96-contrib postgresql96
  3. Initialize the database:

    • For CentOS 7:

      /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
    • For CentOS 6:

      sudo service postgresql initdb
  4. Start Postgres (below is for centos7):

    systemctl enable postgresql-9.6.service
    systemctl start postgresql-9.6.service 
  5. Sensure that you can Log in:

    sudo su postgres