Getting Started with Streaming Analytics
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Setting up your Enrichment Store and Building Custom UDFs and Processors

About This Task

As the table above indicate four of the seven features comes from HBase/Phoenix tables. This section gives you instructions on setting up the HBase/Phonenix tables timesheet and drivers, loading them with reference data, and downloading the custom UDFs and processors to do the enrichment and normalization.

Install HBase/Phoenix and download the sam-extensions

  1. If HBase is not installed, install/add an HBase service.

  2. Ensure that Phoenix is enabled on the HBase Cluster.

  3. Download the and save it to your local machine.

  4. Unzip the contents. We will call the unziped folder $SAM_EXTENSIONS

Steps for Creating Phoenix Tables and Loading Reference Data

  1. Copy the $SAM_EXTENSIONS/scripts.tar.gz to a node where where HBase/PHoenix client is installed.

  2. On that node, untar the scripts.tar.gz. We will call this directory $SCRIPTS

    tar -zxvf scripts.tar.gz
  3. Go to the directory where the phoenix script is located which will create the phoeneix tables for enrichment and load it with reference data.

    cd $SCRIPTS/phoenix
  4. Open the file and replace <ZK_HOST> with the FQDN of your ZooKeeper host.

  5. Make the script executable and execute it. Make sure you to JAVA_HOME


Steps for Verifying Data has Populated Phoenix Tables

  1. Start up sqline Phoenix client.

    cd /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/bin
    ./ $ZK_HOST:2181:/hbase-unsecure
  2. List all the tables in Pheonix.

  3. Query the drivers and timesheet tables.

    select * from drivers;
    select * from timesheet;