3. Configure Properties

  1. Edit the master-install-location/gsInstaller/gsInstaller.properties file and specify values for all of the following properties to install all HDP components:


    To perform minimal install (Apache Hadoop core components), specify values for Mandatory properties only (see third column in table).

    Table 2.1. gsInstaller Configuration Properties
    Property Name Notes Example Mandatory/Optional/Conditional
    java64home Location of JAVA_HOME for 64-bit JDK v 1.6 update 31 in your environment. Mandatory
    datanode_dir Comma-separated list of the DataNode’s data directories residing on separate disks. /hdp/1/hadoop/hdfs/data,/hdp/2/hadoop/hdfs/data Mandatory
    namenode_dir Comma-separated list of the NameNode’s data directories. Provide multiple directories on separate physical file systems and on separate mount points to preserve the NameNode metadata. /hdp/1/hadoop/hdfs/namenode,/hdp/2/hadoop/hdfs/namenode Mandatory
    snamenode_dir Comma-separated list of the NameNode’s check­pointing directories residing on separate disks. /hdp/1/hadoop/hdfs/snamenode,/hdp/2/hadoop/hdfs/snamenode Mandatory
    mapred_dir Comma-separated list of the MapReduce’s data directories residing on separate disks. /hdp/1/hadoop/mapred,/hdp/2/hadoop/mapred Mandatory
    log_dir Full path to Hadoop log directory. /var/log/hadoop Mandatory
    pid_dir Full path to Hadoop PID directory. /var/run/hadoop Mandatory
    sshkey Either provide full path to the sshkey which allows you to perform passwordless SSH OR Set this field to empty when passwordless SSH is set-up Mandatory
    installpig To install Pig, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Optional
    installhbase To install HBase, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Optional
    hbase_log_dir Location for HBase log directory. /var/log/hbase Conditional. Required if installhbase is set to yes.
    hbase_pid_dir Location for HBase PID directory. /var/run/hbase
    zk_log_dir Location for ZooKeeper log directory. /var/log/zookeeper Conditional. Required if installhbase is set to yes.
    zk_pid_dir Location for ZooKeeper PID directory. /var/run/zookeeper
    zk_data_dir Location for Zookeeper data directory. /hdp/1/hadoop/zookeeper
    dbflavor Database flavor for Hive, Oozie, and Sqoop. Permissible values are mysql or oracle Conditional. Required only if installing either Hive, Oozie, or Sqoop
    dbhost FQDN for database host machine Conditional. Required only if installing either Hive, Oozie, or Sqoop
    jdbc_jar Location of the Oracle JDBC JAR file (see instructions here) Conditional. Required only if installing either Hive, Oozie, or Sqoop and if dbflavor is set to oracle
    dbsysuser User credentials for Oracle database system users
    installhive To install Hive, set the value to yes. (Default: no). You must first install and configure MySQL or Oracle for your cluster as instructed here. Also ensure that installhcat property is set to yes. Optional.
    hive_log_dir Location for Hive log directory. /var/log/hive Conditional. Required only if installhive is set to yes.
    hive_dbname Database name for Hive metastore. Conditional. Required only if installhive is set to yes.
    hive_dbuser Credentials for Hive Database user.
    installhcat To install HCatalog, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Optional. Ensure that installhive property is set to yes.
    smoke_test_user Provide the value for the smoke test user. (Default: hdptestuser) Mandatory
    installwebhcat To install WebHCat, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Conditional. Ensure that installpig, installhive, and installhcat properties are set to yes.
    webhcat_log_dir Location for WebHCat log directory. /var/log/webhcat Required only if installing WebHCat.
    webhcat_pid_dir Location for WebHCat PID directory. /var/run/webhcat
    installsqoop To install Sqoop, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Optional
    installoozie To install Oozie, set the value to yes. (Default: yes) Optional
    oozie_use_external_db Set this to yes, to use MySQL or Oracle database for Oozie metastore (default database is Derby). (Default: no) Conditional. Required only if installing Oozie
    oozie_log_dir Location for Oozie log directory. /var/log/oozie


    Location for Oozie PID directory. /var/run/oozie
    oozie_dbname Database name for Oozie metastore.
    oozie_dbuser Database user credentials for Oozie metastore.


    To download Apache Flume RPM, set the value to yes. (Default: no). To deploy Flume, use the instructions available here. Optional


    To install Apache Mahout set the value to yes.(Default: no) Optional
    enablemon Required if you want to install the HDP components for Monitoring (Ganglia and Nagios). (Default: yes) Optional. You must configure and deploy HDP Monitoring components as instructed in the next section.

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