4. Optional - Configure and deploy HDP components for Monitoring



This step is mandatory only if enablemon property is set to yes.

  1. Edit the master-install-location/gsInstaller/monInstaller.properties file and provide values for the following properties:

    Table 2.2. gsInstaller Monitoring Properties
    Property Name Notes
    installnagios Set this to yes, to install Nagios Server. (Default: yes)
    installsnmp Set this to yes, if installnagios property is set to yes. (Default: yes)
    installganglia Set this to yes, to install Ganglia Server. (Default: yes)
    snmpcommunity Provide the name of the SNMP community. (Default: hadoop).
    snmpsource Used to configure source in snmpd.conf. You can use either a host or network addresses in CIDR notation. (For example: means all the machines from to are allowed to access data from snmp daemons). Ensure that both the Gateway and the Nagios host machine belong to snmp­source address range.
    nagioscontact Provide valid email address for receiving Nagios alerts. (Default: monitor\@monitor.com).
    gmetad_user Provide value for the Ganglia gmetad_user.(Default: nobody)
    gmond_user Provide value for the Ganglia gmond_user (Default: nobody)
    webserver_group Provide the value for Ganglia webserver group. (Default: apache). If you are deploying HDP on SLES, change the default value to www.

  2. Deploy HDP components for monitoring:

    cd master-install-location/gsInstaller
    sh monInstaller.sh

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