6.6. Known Issues for Ambari

  • Problem: Oozie fails smoke tests in secured cluster.


    1. Download the following files attached to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI-2879:

      • check_oozie_status.sh

      • oozieSmoke.sh

    2. Replace /var/lib/ambari-agent/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/files/check_oozie_status.sh with the downloaded file.

    3. On the Nagios Server host machine, restart Nagios using the following command:

      service nagios start

    4. Replace /var/lib/ambari-agent/puppet/modules/hdp-oozie/files/oozieSmoke.sh with the downloaded file all the hosts in your cluster.

    5. Restart Oozie on the Oozie Server host machine using the following command:

       sudo su -l $OOZIE_USER -c "cd $OOZIE_LOG_DIR/log; /usr/lib/oozie/bin/oozie-start.sh" 


      • $OOZIE_USER is the Oozie Service user. For example, oozie

      • $OOZIE_LOG_DIR is the directory where Oozie log files are stored (for example: /var/log/oozie).

  • Problem: The ambari-server command displays invalid options for setting up Ganglia and Nagios.

    On the Ambari server host machine, when you execute the following command:


    You see the following output:

    Using python  /usr/bin/python2.6
    Usage: /usr/sbin/ambari-server {start|stop|restart|setup|upgrade|status|upgradestack|setup-ldap|setup-https|setup-ganglia_https|setup-nagios_https|encrypt-passwords} [options]

    Workaround: The setup-ganglia_https and setup-nagios_https are not valid options.

    Use setup-ganglia-https and setup-nagios-https with the ambari-server command to set up Ganglia and Nagios.

  • Problem: ntpd service warning might be displayed as part of host check at the bootstrap stage.

    Workaround: Verify that ntpd is running on all nodes. Execute the following command on all the nodes:

    • For RHEL/CentOS:

      service ntpd status
    • For SLES:

      service ntp status

  • Problem: Selecting Use local software repository option causes Ambari to deploy default stack version. The default stack version for HDP v1.3.2 is HDP-1.3.2

  • Workaround: To install previous version of HDP with local repository option, complete the following instructions:

    1. SSH into the Ambari Server host machine and execute the following commands:

      cd /usr/lib/ambari-server/web/javascripts
      rm app.js
      gunzip app.js.gz
      vi app.js
    2. Change the value of App.defaultLocalStackVersion parameter in app.js file to the expected value of HDP release,

      For example, to install HDP 1.3.0, change the App.defaultLocalStackVersion parameter as shown below:

      App.defaultLocalStackVersion ='HDPLocal-1.3.0'; 
    3. Execute the following command:

      gzip app.js

    4. Clear the browser cache and log in to Ambari Web.

  • Problem: Ganglia RRD database requires a large amount of disk space. Ganglia collects Hadoop and System metrics for the hosts in the cluster. These metrics are stored in the RRD database. Based on the number of Services you install, and the number of hosts in your clusters, the RRD database could become quite large.

    Workaround: During cluster install, on the Customize Services page, select the Misc tab and set the base directory where RRD stores the collected metrics. Choose a directory location that has a minimum of 16 GB disk space available.

    Workaround: You can also minimize the space used by Ganglia.

    To reduce the Ganglia metrics collection granularity and reduce the overall disk space used by Ganglia, perform these steps after successfully completing your cluster install:

    1. Download the following utility script configs.sh.

    2. From Ambari, stop the Ganglia service and wait for it to stop completely.

    3. Get the existing directory path for Ganglia RRD files (the "rrds" folder) using the configs.sh script:

      ./configs.sh get $my.ambari.server $clustername global | grep "rrdcached_base_dir" 


      $my.ambari.server is the Ambari Server host and
 $clustername is the name of the cluster.

    4. Log into the Ganglia Server host.

    5. Backup the content of the rrds folder and then clean the folder.

    6. Edit the gmetadLib.sh file

      vi /var/lib/ambari-agent/puppet/modules/hdp-ganglia/files/gmetadLib.sh
    7. Comment out the existing RRAs entry and enter the following:

      RRAs "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:168:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:672:244" "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:5760:374
    8. From Ambari, start the Ganglia service.

    9. To confirm your change is applied, on the Ganglia Server host, you should see the line from above in the gmetad.conf file:

      more /etc/ganglia/hdp/gmetad.conf


      You may need to wait for 5-10 minutes to see the metrics populate.