2.1. What's Changed in Hadoop

The following updates were made to Hadoop Core for 1.3.3:

  • BUG-9530, MAPREDUCE-5508:HDP1.3.2/HA mapreduce stops working after kerberos enabled

  • BUG-8838, HAMONITOR-8838:HA monitor fails to provide kerberos credentials, mistaking services as down and thus intermittently tries to restart namenode/jobtracker services

The following updates were made to MapReduce for 1.3.3:

  • BUG-10178, MAPREDUCE-1238 : negative finishedMapTasks counter hangs JobTracker

  • BUG-8838, HAMONITOR-8838:HA monitor fails to provide kerberos credentials, mistaking services as down and thus intermittently tries to restart namenode/jobtracker services

  • BUG-8384, MAPREDUCE-5490:MapReduce doesn't pass the classpath to child processes

  • BUG-7991MAPREDUCE-5508:JT ui/jmx/rpc calls hang some times in secure mode

The following updates were made to HDFS for 1.3.3:

  • BUG-9225, HDFS-5245 : Distcp from hdp1(webhdfs/hftp) to hdp2(webhdfs) throws a 'File does not exist' error (HDFS-5245)

  • BUG-8838, HAMONITOR-8838: HA monitor fails to provide kerberos credentials, mistaking services as down and thus intermittently tries to restart namenode/jobtracker services

  • BUG-6041, HDFS-4794 Browsing filesystem via webui throws kerberos exception when NN service RPC is enabled in a secure cluster