4. Optional: Disable Tez


These instructions are now obsolete and no longer provide a Supported version of Tez. Use the information found in HDP 2.1 regarding Installing and Configuring Tez.

Use the following instructions to disable Tez.

On all the client nodes and Tez Service host machine, edit mapred-site.xml and modify the following properties as shown below:

  1. Disable Tez AM:

        <description>Name of the MapReduce framework. Default value is yarn.</description>  
  2. Remove value for the Mapreduce CLASSPATH property:

        <description>Classpath for MapReduce applications.</description>  
  3. Stop the service. Execute the following command on the Tez Service host machine:

    $TEZ_HOME/sbin/tez-daemon.sh stop ampoolservice

    where, $TEZ_HOME is the location of the directory that contains all the Tez JAR files. By default, $TEZ_HOME is set to /usr/lib/tez.

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