2.7. What's Changed in Ambari 1.4.3

The following changes were made in Ambari 1.4.3:

Apache JIRA Summary
AMBARI-3865 Security Wizard: Add security Step4 controller and Disable security controller can be extended from same parent controller
AMBARI-3729 Ganglia monitor started with second or third attempt on secure cluster
AMBARI-3531 Provide host-group and host-group config overrides support
AMBARI-4058 ambari-agent should start automatically upon reboot
AMBARI-3927 Add support for MySQL Ambari DB
AMBARI-3100 dfs.journalnode.edits.dir value should be determined on web-client
AMBARI-3933 ctrl^c during ambari-server setup "Initializing..." leaves postgres in bad state
AMBARI-3628 Restart indicators for services and hosts needed
AMBARI-3727 Need ability to restart host_components in bulk (on services and hosts)
AMBARI-3732, AMBARI-3745 Provide dialog to create new config-group by overriding property
AMBARI-3767 Provide basic config-group management dialog
AMBARI-3751 Provide config-group management bar for services
AMBARI-3765 Create property filtering capability for config-groups
AMBARI-3824 Provide change config-group action on host configs
AMBARI-3883 Provide config-groups capability in installer
AMBARI-3760 Provide config-group support in add-host wizard
AMBARI-3849 Need ability to filter out href field in requests
AMBARI-3725 Check for overlaps in metrics between JMX and Ganglia try to get all point in time metrics from JMX.
AMBARI-3755 Config Refactor: remove unused global properties
AMBARI-3867 JS error after switch to Dashboard page during HDFS starting
AMBARI-3737 HBase -> Configs -> RegionServer -> HBase RegionServers maximum Java heap size: adding Exception fails
AMBARI-3619 getAssociatedResource throws Exception on POST
AMBARI-3650 Poll for host_components which have stale_configs
AMBARI-4110 Avoid duplicating host names in "clusterHostInfo" when preparing tasks
AMBARI-3751 Load config_groups from API when in config pages
AMBARI-3770 Need better error log message when agent unable to reach server
AMBARI-3809 Config group dropdown is empty, and is shown incorrectly.
AMBARI-3736 HBase data directory in hdfs should be parsed from hbase.rootdir property.
AMBARI-3774 Provide ability to add/remove hosts in manage-config-groups dialog
AMBARI-3791 Provide add/remove/rename/duplicate actions in manage-config-groups dialog
AMBARI-3726 Restart indicators for services and hosts disappear after some time.
AMBARI-3890 Background operations: two scrollbars, if width is lower then 1450px
AMBARI-3759 Add host wizard: After successfully bootstrapping host, "next" button is disabled
AMBARI-3772 New config group dialog should should have config-groups populated
AMBARI-3776 Non-default config-group configs should have +Exception action
AMBARI-3796 Config-groups configs should be saved efficiently
AMBARI-3783 Hitting Save in the config-group does not update host membership
AMBARI-3794 Clicking +Exception in Default config-group doesnt add new row
AMBARI-3780 password.dat file should tolerate newlines
AMBARI-3977 Dont request all tasks fields during deploy
AMBARI-3803 For config-groups, rename +Exception action to +Override
AMBARI-3827 Minor message fixes in select/create config group dialog
AMBARI-3831 Add/Remove/Rename/Duplicate action changes not reflected in configs page
AMBARI-3804 Focussing on overridden config field throws JS exception
AMBARI-3815 Remove, Rename and Delete actions enabled for 'Default' config group
AMBARI-3807 Cannot save config-group due to missing service id
AMBARI-3819 Adding hosts to a config-group erases tags and vice-versa
AMBARI-3813 Can override config twice using config-groups
AMBARI-3862 Configs text filter not matching overridden field values
AMBARI-3806 Cannot save Default configs when overridden config present
AMBARI-3816 UI tweaks with stop/start actions in stale_config restart indicator
AMBARI-3832 UI Tweaks in Create Config Group dialog
AMBARI-3835 Manage Configuration Group needs various UI tweaks
AMBARI-3822 Selecting newly created config-group throws JS error in manage config-groups dialog
AMBARI-3833 Duplicate and Rename config-group action UI tweaks
AMBARI-3863 Provide validation for Config Group name
AMBARI-3840 Delete should be disabled if there is no group selected
AMBARI-3844 Error in saving host for newly created config group
AMBARI-3842 Host configs page should properly order services
AMBARI-3838 Services sidebar for host configs needs vertical gap
AMBARI-3836 Unable to close manage-config-groups dialog when only Default group present
AMBARI-3850 Config-groups should be sorted in manage config-groups dialog
AMBARI-3860 Should allow selecting hosts by components in config-groups dialog
AMBARI-3856 Host selection dialog title and description should be passed in
AMBARI-3851 Remove host action is always enabled
AMBARI-3839 DataNode heapsize config override causes DataNode to not start
AMBARI-3861 Modify hover text information for restart indicator
AMBARI-3837 NameNode HA wizard: Configuration changes should be surfaced on ui
AMBARI-3841 After deleting config group, hosts of it become unavailable
AMBARI-3859 No config groups warning should be aligned
AMBARI-3855 YARN Client restart indicator not shown on host configs page
AMBARI-3869 Better messages needed for restart components popup
AMBARI-3876 Add hosts wizard: Hosts should be put into config-groups before installing
AMBARI-3847 Service config properties marked as non-editable does not show description on hover
AMBARI-3915 Stop/Start components action in service configs not calculating correctly
AMBARI-3870 Config groups - Read only configs are being made editable
AMBARI-3902 Admin page->users: password confirmation while adding new user should be computed property
AMBARI-3999 Long host names are inconvenient for viewing in background operations popup
AMBARI-3877 Duplicate config-group action not duplicate configs
AMBARI-3872 Properties with checkboxes are always checked
AMBARI-3886 Config group name validation doesn't include newly added and removed goups
AMBARI-3904 Remove/Rename/Duplicate action changes don't update the link to the Config group
AMBARI-3879 Enable config-groups functionality by default
AMBARI-3889 Post config groups to server on Deploy
AMBARI-3885 Connect config filter to config group tab
AMBARI-3888 Incorrect restart required tooltip view
AMBARI-4020 On Saving Config group, user should be able to modify configs right away
AMBARI-3905 Config groups: Misc UI tweaks
AMBARI-3912 No override for NM heap memory
AMBARI-3946 Install Wizard: not possible to remove config overrides
AMBARI-3913 Description should be shown properly in Manage Config Groups dialog
AMBARI-3996 Installer wizard Config Group: Refreshing the page after saving a config group doesn't persist groups on step-7
AMBARI-3943 Installer: config-group host membership in one service effects others
AMBARI-3967 Config Groups: some fields missing in Select Group Hosts popup
AMBARI-3951 No link for Manage Config groups at Reconfigure sreen
AMBARI-3925 Adding host to multiple groups at the same time fails
AMBARI-3901 Config Groups: restart components should also include clients
AMBARI-3895 Stale_configs flag not updated when host moves back to default config-group
AMBARI-3917 Config Groups: 'Restart required' bar still show up on service config even though the target host had been deleted
AMBARI-3894 Cannot install HDP stack without having config-groups
AMBARI-3897 Restart indicator flags not showing up for HDP 1.3.x stack services
AMBARI-3903 Unit Test broken on trunk
AMBARI-4009 Config Groups: host got lost if fail to add it to new group
AMBARI-3908 Disable 'Add Property...' action in non-default config-groups
AMBARI-3928 Config Groups: Navi tab wrong when going back from host config page
AMBARI-3907, AMBARI-3918 Restart message should have correct message for single hosts/components
AMBARI-4041 Host list changing order in Move wizard
AMBARI-3921 Hovers stay after manage-config-groups dialog is closed
AMBARI-3911 Security Wizard: Service Configuration page is broken
AMBARI-3974 Custom config disappears upon config override
AMBARI-3919 When managing configs for a non-default group, the default configs are non-editable but "Remove" button is still there for Custom sections
AMBARI-3914 Add Host wizard stuck on configuration step
AMBARI-3932 Config Group names can be named without any restriction. Need regex for config group name
AMBARI-3916 When trying to duplicate Default Group js error occures.
AMBARI-3923 Stale configs on Clients don't affect on Start/Stop Components buttons
AMBARI-3938 JS error when switching config groups in Hive / Oozie service config pages
AMBARI-3929 AddHost confg-groups sorting
AMBARI-3937 Revise Config Group Management copy to be more descriptive
AMBARI-3944 Service Check tasks are shown incorrectly
AMBARI-3945 Custom hdfs-site.xml section disappears in HDFS Config page
AMBARI-4067 UI improvements for Config groups.
AMBARI-4127 Hosts Filter does not say that a filter is enabled (not possible to figure out if a filter is enabled or not easily)
AMBARI-3942 Click Overview, create new accepts empty name
AMBARI-3940 Manage config groups Gear is clickable but doesn't show dropdown
AMBARI-4018 config group description doesn't preserve multi-line
AMBARI-3955 "Default" config group should be "<Service-name> Default"
AMBARI-3950 Avoid loading extra host-components collections
AMBARI-3957 Add mapper only for services
AMBARI-3992 After making config changes w/o saving, prompt user if they try to navigate away
AMBARI-3968 Installer - Removal of parent config-group custom-config possible
AMBARI-3971 Should not allow remove custom-config if overridden
AMBARI-4049 Registration fail of host should be handled more gracefully
AMBARI-3961 Add flag to enable minimal responses
AMBARI-3991 Manage config group links needed in save config-group confirmation
AMBARI-3973 Reduce influence of host-components quantity on service metrics mapper
AMBARI-4019 On Move Wizard, component layout should show non-moving items as gray
AMBARI-3982 Background operations window, called from wizard doesn't react on 'Do not show this dialog...' flag
AMBARI-4002 Incorrect navigation between pages
AMBARI-4008 Config group names should be unique in a service, not global
AMBARI-4069 Add hosts, if using Local Repository, UI incorrectly says "no"
AMBARI-3984 Config Groups: Background popup show up needs to be integrated when restarting components
AMBARI-3986 YARN and MapReduce2 configs is not displayed
AMBARI-3997 Config-Group POST call should tolerate name reuse
AMBARI-4092 Need tooltip showing error why local repo is bad
AMBARI-4007 In installer overriding config launches the service save confirmation popup
AMBARI-4011 Config description popups linger after filtering
AMBARI-4005 Need to add green color to config-filtering combo entry
AMBARI-4000 mapred-queue-acls properties are shown in mapreduce service advanced section.
AMBARI-4073 Do not block the user from moving forward if the local repo urls dont work - we can WARN at best.
AMBARI-4001 Ambari alerts not even being got from API
AMBARI-4004 Duplicate hosts after closing addServiceWizard
AMBARI-4085 Remove console.logs, which overflow browser console
AMBARI-4046 JS errors after stopping YARN
AMBARI-4029 Installer Step2: Can't proceed next after return from Step7
AMBARI-4063 In installer launching manage config-group dialog throws error in console
AMBARI-4043 In installer, default config-group ends up ordered last in the list of config-groups
AMBARI-3040 In installer, duplicating config-group does not duplicate configs
AMBARI-4040 In installer, behavior of actions in manage config-groups dialog different from reconfigure
AMBARI-4026 hbase.rootdir property should be defined in server side stack definition
AMBARI-4143 Hive Metastore warehouse dir and WebHCat apps dir path is being retrieved from wrong property name
AMBARI-4062 Components in Select Group Hosts popup
AMBARI-4050 Installer: 1-3 steps enabled when deploy is running
AMBARI-4038 Local stack upgrade should update the database as well.
AMBARI-4053 Duplicating config-group in installer doesnt update name in default config-group rendering
AMBARI-4044 Refactor templates and popups
AMBARI-4051 Delete Group button is disabled in Manage Dialog in Installer
AMBARI-4077 Optimize Alert mapper processing
AMBARI-4047 Improve responsiveness of hosts filter in config groups popup
AMBARI-4081 ambari agent unit test failures - TestLiveStatus and TestStackVersionsFileHandler
AMBARI-4109 Manage config-groups dialog should persist only hitting Save (installer and reconfigure)
AMBARI-4048 Minor manage-config-group dialog UI changes
AMBARI-4086 Need clear filter action in configs filter textfield
AMBARI-4088 UI doesn't select all hosts on Assign Slaves step sometimes
AMBARI-4054 Need to show stale-config indicator on hosts page
AMBARI-4052 Rename config-group dialog should allow only description change also
AMBARI-4060 Invalid JournalNodesLive count
AMBARI-4060 HDFS/JournalNodes relations in EmberData
AMBARI-4061 Upgraded single-node M10 cluster has yarn job summary entries missing in /etc/hadoop/conf/log4j.properties
AMBARI-4113 Bootstrap fails without a meaningful message
AMBARI-4129 HA wizard not accessible after upgrade
AMBARI-4089 HDFS/ZKFC relations in EmberData
AMBARI-4074 Ambari sets mapred.healthChecker.script.path and mapred.job.tracker.persist.jobstatus.dir incorrectly
AMBARI-4097 Undo port customization code on branch-1.4.3
AMBARI-4106 Should not allow blank config group name
AMBARI-4114 JS error on HA Step 3
AMBARI-4087 Lazy loading doesn't stop even after data is loaded
AMBARI-4121 warning on delete host should be at top of dialog
AMBARI-4093 Installer:Confirm Hosts - improve responsiveness on filtering of hosts
AMBARI-4102 Host components not showing up or manage'able
AMBARI-4124 Move masters dialog UI has many problems
AMBARI-4122 restart icon on hosts page should be same color as used in hosts details + services
AMBARI-4119 Host Detail page: Add Component acts randomly
AMBARI-4136 Unsaved Config Changes prompt should say Save, Discard, Cancel
AMBARI-4184 Update HDP 2.0.6 stack components to match component versions
AMBARI-4101 OS type check logic is not going to work with centos 6.5+
AMBARI-4139 Big padding of MapReduce service on Services page if alerts are present
AMBARI-4125 Ambari MySQL should not configure schema automatically
AMBARI-4163 Ambari host registering freezes if wrong ssh key provided.
AMBARI-4132 Stale config indicator not shown when reconfiguring WebHCat, Ganglia, Nagios, ZooKeeper
AMBARI-4142 Incorrect names for service check operations on "Install, Start and Test" page
AMBARI-4138 Possibility duplicate one group many times with the same name
AMBARI-4130 Deleted host still appears in configuration groups
AMBARI-4161 Move calculation of host status from HostResourceProvider to HeartBeatHandler
AMBARI-4144 Java heap size, and all other General properties cannot be overridden for all services
AMBARI-4133 Perf issues on Hosts page - freezes for several seconds and then unfreezes repeatedly on a large cluster
AMBARI-4140 Install wizard step 5. Components column covers add and remove icons.
AMBARI-4177 YARN check execute fails on install (CentOS 5)
AMBARI-4152 Service Config page shows a blank page after enabling security (JS error)
AMBARI-4151 Incorrect alignment for "Stop Components" and "Start Components" buttons on "Config" tab of any service after property changing
AMBARI-4175 ambari-server reset doesn't work for MySQL as Ambari DB
AMBARI-4166 Improve responsiveness on step 9 when deploy in progress
AMBARI-4169 Default Config Group Duplicate UI not clear
AMBARI-4191, AMBARI-4202 Action buttons are disabled on Host Details page even though heartbeat is not lost
AMBARI-4164 Unexpected routing while clicking on Repositories Tab
AMBARI-4170 Graph time-header missing
AMBARI-4172 Cluster deploy: inconsistent color of status message
AMBARI-4179 Ambari UI should not allow to override pid and log dirs
AMBARI-4189 'DataNode maximum Java heap size' and 'Hadoop maximum Java heap size' overrides for config groups didn't get persisted during installer
AMBARI-4182 Reduce number of transactions in HostResourceProvider, HostComponentResourceProvider
AMBARI-4190 Hosts page shows ip address as "OS NOT SUPPORTED"
AMBARI-4206 Significant lag between host status update and slave/master component start/stop
AMBARI-4192 No HBase Masters shown as Active on UI
AMBARI-4188 Non-admin user can manage config groups
AMBARI-4195 Misalignment of "Filter" combobox on installer when browser window is narrow
AMBARI-4193 Assign Masters: plus/minus color and hover cursor are off
AMBARI-4218 Host config tab layout incorrect
AMBARI-4201 Enable caching in HostConfigMappingDAO
AMBARI-4215 Enable caching in ConfigGroupHostMappingDAO
AMBARI-4225 Starting/Stopping components based on restart indicator floods request history and execution queue
AMBARI-4211 Empty content of review step in Add Host wizard
AMBARI-4214 Need to change prompt during mysql setup
AMBARI-4224 When issuing Start/Stop of host components then predicate stale_config=true does not work
AMBARI-4219 Cannot save two config groups for different services but same config type
AMBARI-4244 NameNode start fails after moving it to another host