2.5. Patch information for Hive

Hive is based on Apache Hive 0.11 + Apache Hive trunk SVN r1514119 and includes the following patches:


Apache HCatalog is now merged with Apache Hive.

  • HCATALOG-631: HBase e2e tests on single nodes on Hadoop 2.0.3 with "dfs.client.read.shortcircuit" turning on for HBase

  • HIVE-7910: Fixed webhcat_config.sh checks for env variables being set before sourcing webhcat-env.sh.

  • HIVE-5137: Fixed a Hive SQL query should not return a ResultSet when the underlying plan does not include a FetchTask.

  • HIVE-5136: Fixed HCatalog HBase Storage handler fails test with protbuf2.5.

  • HIVE-5133: Fixed WebHCat jobs that need to access metastore fails in secure mode.

  • HIVE-5129: Fixed Multiple table insert fails on count(distinct).

  • HIVE-5117: Fixed orc_dictionary_threshold is not deterministic.

  • HIVE-5113: Fixed WebHCat should allow configuring memory used by templetoncontroller map job in hadoop2.

  • HIVE-5112: Upgraded protobuf to 2.5 from 2.4.

  • HIVE-5011: Dynamic partitioning in HCatalog broken on external tables.

  • HIVE-5085: Fixed Hive Metatool errors out if HIVE_OPTS is set.

  • HIVE-4679: Fixed WebHCat can deadlock Hadoop if the number of concurrently running tasks if higher or equal than the number of mappers.

  • Remove path windowing function.

  • HIVE-4611: Fixed SMB join failures because of conflicts in bigtable selection policy.

  • HIVE-4601: WebHCat, Templeton support for proxy users.

  • HIVE-4545: Fixed HS2 should return describe table results without space padding.

  • HIVE-4542: Fixed estJdbcDriver2.testMetaDataGetSchemas fails because of unexpected database.

  • HIVE-4524: Added support for Hive HBaseStorageHandler to work with HCatalog.

  • HIVE-4485: beeline prints null as empty strings.

  • HIVE-4388: HBase tests fail against Hadoop 2.

  • HIVE-4246: Implemented predicate pushdown for ORC.

  • HIVE-4214: OVER accepts general expression instead of just function.

  • HIVE-4171: Current database in metastore. Hive is not consistent with SessionState.

  • HIVE-3846: Fixed null pointer exceptions (NPEs) for alter view rename operations when authorization is enabled.

  • HIVE-3815: Fixed failures for hive table rename operation when filesystem cache is disabled.

  • HIVE-2084: Upgraded DataNuclues from v2.0.3 to v3.0.1.