Hortonworks Data Platform

System Administration



1. Decommissioning Slave Nodes
1. Prerequisites
2. Decommission DataNodes or NodeManagers
3. Decommission DataNodes
4. Decommission NodeManagers
5. Decommission HBase RegionServers
2. HBase Cluster Capacity and Region Sizing
1. Node Count and JVM Configuration
1.1. Physical Size of the Data
1.2. Read/Write Throughput
2. Region Count and Size
3. Increase Memstore Size for a Region Server
4. Increase Size of the Region
5. Initial Configuration and Tuning
5.1. Increase the Request Handler Thread Count
5.2. Configure the Size and Number of WAL Files
5.3. Configure Compactions
5.4. Pre-split Tables
5.5. Configure the JVM Garbage Collector
3. Hive Authorization
1. Ranger-Hive Integration
2. SQL Standard-Based Authorization in Hive
3. Required Privileges for Hive Operations
4. Configuring SQL Standard-Based Authorization
5. Storage-Based Authorization in Hive
6. Required Permissions for Hive Operations
7. Configuring Storage-based Authorization
4. Manually Adding Slave Nodes to an HDP Cluster
1. Prerequisites
2. Add Slave Nodes
3. Add HBase RegionServer
5. Optimizing HBase I/O/title>
1. An Overview of HBase I/O
2. Configuring BlockCache
3. (Optional) Configuring Off-heap Memory (BucketCache)
4. Compressing BlockCache
6. Using DistCp to Copy Files
1. Using DistCp
2. Command Line Options
3. Update and Overwrite
4. DistCp and Security Settings
5. Secure-to-Secure: Kerberos Principal Name
6. Secure-to-Secure: ResourceManager Mapping Rules
7. DistCp and HDP Version
8. DistCp Data Copy Matrix: HDP1/HDP2 to HDP2
9. Copying Data from HDP-2.x to HDP-1.x Clusters
10. DistCp Architecture
10.1. DistCp Driver
10.2. Copy-listing Generator
10.3. InputFormats and MapReduce Components
11. DistCp Frequently Asked Questions
12. Appendix
12.1. Map Sizing
12.2. Copying Between Versions of HDFS
12.3. MapReduce and Other Side-Effects

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