Ranger User Guide
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This module logs the information related to the sessions for each login. You can filter the data based on the search criteria listed in the table below.

Table 8.1. Auditing Search Criteria

Search CriteriaDescription
Login IDThe user name through which you login to the system.
Session­idThe session count increments each time you try to login to the system.
Start Date, End DateLogin time and date is stored for each session. A date range is used to filter the results for that particular date range.
Login TypeThe mode through which the user tries to login. By entering username and password.
IPThe IP of the system through which we log in.
User AgentLogin time and date is stored for each session.
Login timeResult indicates whether the Login was successful or not.It can be one of the following: ‘Success’,‘Wrong Password’, ’Account Disabled’, ‘Locked’, ‘Password Expired’, ’User Not Found’.