Upgrading HDP Manually
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1. Upgrade from HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2 Manually
Getting Ready to Upgrade
Upgrade HDP 2.1 Components
Symlink Directories with hdp-select
Configure and Start Apache ZooKeeper
Configure Hadoop
Start Hadoop Core
Verify HDFS filesystem health
Configure YARN and MapReduce
Start YARN/MapReduce Services
Run Hadoop Smoke Tests
Configure and Start Apache HBase
Configure Apache Phoenix
Configure and Start Apache Accumulo
Configure and Start Apache Tez
Configure and Start Apache Hive and Apache HCatalog
Configure and Start Apache Oozie
Configure and Start Apache WebHCat
Configure and Start Apache Pig
Configure and Start Apache Sqoop
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Flume
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Mahout
Configure and Start Hue
Configure and Start Apache Knox
Configure and Validate Apache Falcon
Configure and Start Apache Storm
Upgrade Apache Ranger
Finalize the Upgrade
Install New HDP 2.2 Services
2. Upgrade from HDP 2.0 to HDP 2.2 Manually
Getting Ready to Upgrade
Upgrade HDP 2.0 Components
Symlink Directories with hdp-select
Configure and Start Apache ZooKeeper
Configure Hadoop
Start Hadoop Core
Verify HDFS filesystem health
Configure YARN and MapReduce
Start YARN/MapReduce Services
Run Hadoop Smoke Tests
Configure and Start Apache HBase
Configure and Start Apache Hive and Apache HCatalog
Configure and Start Apache Oozie
Configure and Start Apache WebHCat (Templeton)
Configure and Start Apache Pig
Configure and Start Apache Sqoop
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Flume
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Mahout
Configure and Start Hue
Finalize the Upgrade
Install New HDP 2.2 Services
3. Upgrade from HDP 1.3 to HDP 2.2 Manually
Getting Ready to Upgrade
Upgrade HDP 1.3 Components
Symlink Directories with hdp-select
Configure and Start Apache ZooKeeper
Configure and Start Hadoop
Migrate the HDP Configurations
Create Local Directories
Start Hadoop Core
Verify HDFS filesystem health
Configure YARN and MapReduce
Start YARN/MapReduce Services
Run Hadoop Smoke Tests
Configure and Start Apache HBase
Configure and Start Apache Hive and Apache HCatalog
Configure and Start Apache Oozie
Configure and Start Apache WebHCat (Templeton)
Configure and Start Apache Pig
Configure and Start Apache Sqoop
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Flume
Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Mahout
Configure and Start Hue
Finalize the Upgrade
Install New HDP 2.2 Services