Upgrading HDP Manually
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Configure and Start Apache Storm

Storm is fairly independent of changes to the HDP cluster, but you must upgrade Apache Storm for rolling upgrade support in HDP 2.2 and to be on the latest version of Storm.

  1. Deactivate all running topologies.

  2. Stop Storm Services on the storm node.

  3. Stop ZooKeeper Services on the storm node.

  4. Remove Storm and zookeeper from the storm node and install the HDP 2.2 version:

    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

      yum erase storm

      yum erase zookeeper

      yum install storm

      yum install zookeeper

    • For SLES:

      zypper rm storm

      zypper rm zookeeper

      zypper install storm

      zypper install zookeeper

    • For Ubuntu/Debian:

      apt-get remove storm --purge

      apt-get remove zookeeper --purge

      apt-get install storm

      apt-get install zookeeper

  5. Replace your configuration after upgrading. Copy /etc/storm/conf from the template to the conf directory .

  6. Replace your ZooKeeper configuration after upgrading. Replace the ZooKeeper template configuration in /etc/zookeeper/conf.

  7. Start ZooKeeper. On the storm node, run the following command:

    sudo su -l $ZOOKEEPER_USER -c "source /etc/zookeeper/conf/zookeeper-env.sh; export ZOOCFGDIR=/etc/zookeeper/conf; /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-server/bin/zkServer.sh start >> $ZOO_LOG_DIR/zoo.out\"


    • $ZOOKEEPER_USER is the ZooKeeper Service user. For example, zookeeper.

    • $ZOO_LOG_DIR is the directory where ZooKeeper server logs are stored. For example, /var/log/zookeeper.

  8. Start Storm using a process controller, such as supervisord:

    su storm /usr/hdp/current/storm-supervisor/bin/storm supervisor

    where $STORM_USER is the operating system user that installed Storm. For example, storm.