Ranger Ambari Installation
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Pre-creating Ranger DB Users with the DBA Setup Script

You can set up Ranger users using a Hortonworks custom database script. The purpose of this script is to set up database (DB) users in environments where there is a separate database administrator managing the databases, and you do not want to provide database admininstrator credentials to Ranger for creating the database users.

To pre-create Ranger DB users using the dba_script.py script:

  1. Download the Ranger rpm using the yum install command.

    yum install ranger-admin
  2. You should see one file named dba_script.py in the /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin directory.

  3. Execute the script by running the following command:

    python dba_script.py
  4. Pass all values required in the argument. These should include db flavor, JDBC jar, db host, db name, db user, and other parameters.


    If you would prefer not to pass runtime arguments, then simply update the install.properties file and then run the python dba_script.py -q. If you specify -q in a given argument, then the script will read all required information from the install.properties file


    If you would prefer to review the DDL SQL statements in the dba_script.py before executing them, run python dba_script.py -d <path to save sql file>. The -d option will save the SQL statements into the specified file. These statements can then be reviewed, customized by the DBA, and executed. If you use the -d option, you must alter the users' default tablespace to the correct one by executing the following statements. Replace the user names and tablespace with your actual values.

    alter user ranger_admin_user default tablespace ranger_admin_db;
    alter user ranger_audit_user  default tablespace ranger_audit_db;

If DB users are pre-created using the dba_script.py as described above, you must clear the Setup DB and DB user check box under “Advanced ranger-env” before proceeding with the installation.