Non-Ambari Cluster Installation Guide
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Validate Mahout

To validate Mahout:

  1. Create a test user named "testuser" on the client host, the Linux cluster, and in HDFS, then log in to the client host as user.

    hdfs dfs -put /tmp/sample-test.txt /user/testuser

  2. Export the required environment variables for Mahout:

    export JAVA_HOME=<your jdk home install location here>
    export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client
    export MAHOUT_HOME=/usr/hdp/current/mahout-client
    export PATH="$PATH":$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$MAHOUT_HOME/bin
  3. Upload a few megabytes of natural-language plain text to the client host as /tmp/sample-test.txt.

  4. Transfer the sample-test.txt file to a subdirectory of the testuser's HDFS home directory.

    hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/testuser/testdata
    hdfs dfs -put /tmp/sample-test.txt /user/testuser/testdata
  5. Create a mahout test output directory:

    hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/testuser/mahouttest

  6. Use the following command to instruct Mahout to convert the plain text file sample-test.txt into a sequence file that is in the output directory mahouttest:

    mahout seqdirectory --input /user/testuser/testdata --output /user/ testuser/mahouttest -ow --charset utf-8