Upgrading HDP Manually
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Configure and Start Apache Pig

Before you can upgrade Apache Pig, you must have first upgraded your HDP components to the latest version (in this case, 2.4.0). This section assumes that you have already upgraded your components for HDP 2.4.0. If you have not already completed these steps, return to Getting Ready to Upgrade and Upgrade 1.3 Components for instructions on how to upgrade your HDP components to 2.4.0.

  1. On all Pig clients, run the following command:

    • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

      yum erase pig

      yum install pig

    • For SLES:

      zypper rm pig

      zypper install pig

    • For Ubuntu or Debian:

      HDP support for Debian 6 is deprecated with HDP 2.4.0. Future versions of HDP will no longer be supported on Debian 6.

      apt-get remove pig --purge

      apt-get install pig

  2. Replace /etc/hive-webhcat/conf/ your configuration after upgrading.

    Copy /etc/pig/conf from the template to the conf directory in pig hosts.