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Configuring Ranger Usersync

  1. Stop Ranger Usersync by selecting the Ranger Usersync link, then select Started > Stop next to Ranger Usersync.

  2. Check to see if unixauthservice.jks is in the /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/ directory. If not, run the following commands in the CLI:

    cd /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/
    mkdir cert
    keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert/unixauthservice.jks -keypass UnIx529p -storepass UnIx529p -validity 3600 -keysize 2048 -dname 'cn=unixauthservice,ou=authenticator,o=mycompany,c=US'
    chown -R ranger:ranger /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert
    chmod -R 400 /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert
  3. Use the following CLI commands to create a truststore for the Ranger Admin's self-signed keystore. When prompted for a password, press the Enter key.

    cd /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/
    keytool -export -keystore /etc/ranger/admin/conf/ranger-admin-keystore.jks -alias rangeradmin -file ranger-admin-trust.cerchown -R ranger:ranger /etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert
    keytool -import -file ranger-admin-trust.cer -alias rangeradmintrust -keystore mytruststore.jks -storepass changeit
    chown ranger:ranger mytruststore.jks
  4. Navigate back to Ranger and select Configs > Advanced, then click Advanced ranger-ugsync-site. Set the following properties:

    • ranger.usersync.truststore.file -- Enter the path to the truststore file.

    • ranger.usersync.truststore.password -- Enter the truststore password.

  5. Start Ranger Usersync by selecting the Ranger Usersync link on the Summary tab, then select Stopped > Start next to Ranger Usersync.