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Configuring Knox With a Secured Hadoop Cluster

Once you have a Hadoop cluster that uses Kerberos for authentication, you must configure Knox to work with that cluster.

To enable the Knox Gateway to interact with a Kerberos-protected Hadoop cluster, add a knox user and Knox Gateway properties to the cluster.

Do the following:

  1. Find the fully-qualified domain name of the host running the gateway:

    hostname -f

    If the Knox host does not have a static IP address, you can define the knox host as * for local developer testing.

  2. At every Hadoop Master:

    • Create a UNIX account for Knox:

      useradd -g hadoop knox
    • Edit core-site.xml to include the following lines (near the end of the file):


      where $knox-host is the fully-qualified domain name of the host running the gateway.

    • Edit webhcat-site.xml to include the following lines (near the end of the file):


      where $knox_host is the fully-qualified domain name of the host running the gateway.

  3. At the Oozie host, edit oozie-site.xml to include the following lines (near the end of the file):


    where $knox-host is the fully-qualified domain name of the host running the gateway.

  4. At each node running HiveServer2, edit hive-site.xml to include the following properties and values:

          <description>Server transport mode. "binary" or "http".</description>
          <description>Port number when in HTTP mode.</description>
          <description>Path component of URL endpoint when in HTTP mode.</description>