Command Line Installation
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Configure HDP to Support Hue

For Hue to communicate properly with HDP components, some minor configuration changes of your HDP cluster are required.

Complete the instructions in this section using Ambari. Do not edit the configuration files directly.

Use Ambari to start and stop the services.

  1. Use the admin account, login to the Ambari Web UI at or  or

  2. Stop the namenode.

    1. Select Hosts on the Navigation Header.

    2. Select the FQDN.

      In this example, is the FQDN.

    3. Scroll down to NameNode and click on Started to reveal the drop down menu. Select Stop from the drop down menu to stop the Namenode.

    4. Click OK to confirm.

  3. Modify hdfs-site settings.

    1. Click on HDFS from the Services menu on the left side of the screen.

    2. Click the Configs tab.

      Click Advanced.

    3. Scroll down to the General settings. Ensure that the WebHDFS enabled checkbox is checked.

  4. Modify the core-site settings.

    1. Click on HDFS from the Services menu on the left side of the screen.

    2. Click the Configs tab.

      Click Advanced.

    3. Scroll down to Custom core-site settings.

    4. Ensure the hadoop.proxyuser.hue.groups and hadoop.proxyuser.hue.hosts properties and their respective values are set.

    5. If they are not, add them, by clicking on Add Property ….

    6. Set the Key as the setting name (for example, hadoop.proxyuser.hue.hosts) and the Value as value, for example, *. Click Add.

  5. Modify oozie-site settings

    1. From the Services menu, click Oozie.

    2. Click Configs.

    3. Scroll down to Custom oozie-site.

    4. Ensure that the oozie.service.ProxyUserService.proxyuser.hue.groups and the oozie.service.ProxyUserService.proxyuser.hue.hosts properties are present.

    5. If they are not present, add them by clicking on Add Property ….

  6. Modify hive-site settings.

    1. From the Services menu click on Hive.

    2. Click the Configs tab.

    3. Click Advanced.

    4. Ensure the hive.server2.enable.doAs property is present.

    5. If the hive.server2.enable.doAs property is not present, click on Add Property … and add it.