This release provides Atlas 0.8.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-1218: Atlas says it is started but does not accept REST requests.
ATLAS-1867: ATLASClientV2 correct delete typedefs expected http code.
ATLAS-1905: Search UI is confusing to user.
ATLAS-1944: HookConsumer updated to address case where consumer is stopped before starting. Updated unit tests..
ATLAS-1988: Implement REST API to search for related entities - Add excludeDeletedEntities flag.
ATLAS-1993: UI updates to show list of Tables in detail page hive_db entity.
ATLAS-1996: Updated Log4J configuration to limit size of log files..
ATLAS-2003: Add Javadoc format to class summaries.
ATLAS-2004: Move Apache license header to the beginning of file. (Richard Ding via nixonrodrigues).
ATLAS-2015: Fix Maven warnings.
ATLAS-2017: updated import API to make request parameter optional.
ATLAS-2017: updated import API to make request parameter optional (#2 - fix for unit test failure).
ATLAS-2024: Updated Atlas TWiki for basic search functionality (ATLAS-1880).
ATLAS-2025: Validation of classification/type in basic search query.
ATLAS-2027: UI : Add type-name with attribute name in query-builder.
ATLAS-2028: invalid attributes in basic-search request should fail with status code 400.
ATLAS-2033: Modified to produce ugly JSON for Kafka topic messages..
ATLAS-2038: Integration Tests for AtlasAuthentication and Authorization Filter.
ATLAS-2038: Minor refactoring to use org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64..
ATLAS-2039: Unable to edit date value from UI when entity definition is POSTed without value for date attribute..
ATLAS-2041: UI: Show tag names with dot, when taxonomy is disabled.
ATLAS-2047: Exception Thrown by Kafka Consumer Ends up Filling Logs Due to Incorrect Handling.
ATLAS-2047: Update to fix IT failure in build environment..
ATLAS-2048: Fix for Unit test failure on 0.8-incubating branch.
ATLAS-2054: Add flag to exclude attribute mapping in FullTextMapper.
ATLAS-2060: Fix logger class name typos.
ATLAS-2062: Add flag to disable v1 gremlin search API using atlas-application property.
ATLAS-2071: UI : Minification of atlas code (js,css).
ATLAS-2074: AtlasType.resolveReferences() method made package-private.
ATLAS-2075: notification enhancement to handle large messages, using compression and multi-part messages.
ATLAS-2078: ATLAS-2114: Type update using v1 API doesn't route to createUpdateTypesDef in v2 API.
ATLAS-2079: Fix coverity scan issue and IT failures introduced by ATLAS-2062: missing changes.
ATLAS-2079: Fix coverity scan issue and IT failures introduced by ATLAS-2062.
ATLAS-2083: Refactor Atlas<Type>DefStore classes to reduce code duplication.
ATLAS-2089: Upgrade Jetty to newer version.
ATLAS-2090: UI - Cache busting for static content (css, js).
ATLAS-2091: basic search update to avoid index query for attribute values containing Tokenizer characters.
ATLAS-2092: Create edgeLabel while updating the index.
ATLAS-2097: Update docs site.xml about 0.8.1 documentation and release information.
ATLAS-2100: UserProfile & SavedSearch API implementation. Fixed accidentally deleted type..
ATLAS-2100: UserProfile & SavedSearch API implementation ATLAS-2141: edit/disassociate tag results in NPE.
ATLAS-2101: Update Implementation to Eliminate Use of Stopwatch.
ATLAS-2102: Atlas UI Improvements: Search results page. patch has (ATLAS-2103:2104,2105,2107,2108).
ATLAS-2111: UI: Select query is not able to render the search table in Advance search.
ATLAS-2115: Basic search updates to fix performance regression.
ATLAS-2117: basic search updates to handle issue caused by tokenization in indexer.
ATLAS-2118: basic search fix - incorrect results for contains operator.
ATLAS-2120: Import API updated to detect attribute-type change.
ATLAS-2121: basic-search update to use case-sensitive filter for type-name / tag-name.
ATLAS-2128: UI Regression : DSL Results pagination doesn't spawn more than 2 pages.
ATLAS-2129: Addressed Case Where Abrupt Shutdown of Atlas During Import Retains Entities Imported Before Shutdown.
ATLAS-2129: import fix to handle shutdown while in the middle of import.
ATLAS-2129: import fix to handle shutdown while in the middle of import (unit test fix).
ATLAS-2130: Call made to fetch tables of a database doesn't have exlcudeDeletedEntities parameter.
ATLAS-2132: incorrect error for invalid file path/unreadable file provided during import.
ATLAS-2134: Code Improvements..
ATLAS-2140: Throwing overly generic exceptions, or unnecessarily exceptions.
ATLAS-2144: add Knox x-forwarded path to Atlas base URL when Atlas is access via knox proxy.
ATLAS-2145: Build failure in atlas-dashboardv2 due to js-beautify issue.
ATLAS-2146: Remove Powermock Usage.
ATLAS-2148: saved-search API enhancement to support searchType.
ATLAS-2150: UI to support search-history and favorites.
ATLAS-2151: fix incorrect handling of OR condition in index query.
ATLAS-2153: UI : Adding more columns to the search table masks the Remove tag button.
ATLAS-2156: save-search UI to allow user to edit name.
ATLAS-2157: HiveHook fix to handle getTable() error for temproray tables.
ATLAS-2158: good coding practices.
ATLAS-2159: Incorrect createTime retrieved for entity attributes in related entities search.
ATLAS-2160: added REST APIs to execute a saved-search.
ATLAS-2162: Add hyperlink for URI formatted attribute value on property table.
ATLAS-2163: UI updates to handle Saved search query having deleted types.
ATLAS-2166: Block Knox proxy service user for kerberos authentication.
ATLAS-2167: UI - Redirection of Pagination gives issue if user enter Page No. which does not exists.
ATLAS-2168: When a second search is fired in between the pages of the first search results , offset is not reset to 0.
ATLAS-2171: Atlas UI fix when accessed via Knox proxy without / at the end.
ATLAS-2172: Atlas AD search filter is not get honored when logging into Atlas UI.
ATLAS-2174: code improvements and validations.
ATLAS-2174: Query length validations and path normalization.
ATLAS-2179: Split Atlas client library to avoid unnecessary dependencies.
ATLAS-2182: UI : Web elements are hidden when zoomed in.
ATLAS-2184: fixed isNull/notNull in-memory predicates to handle empty value.
ATLAS-2184: IS_NULL, NOT_NULL operator support (#2).
ATLAS-2184: IS_NULL and NOT_NULL operator support.
ATLAS-2185: UI to handle is_null, not_null operators for attribute search.
ATLAS-2186: Jetty downgrade to v8..
ATLAS-2187: fix for build break in powerpc.
ATLAS-2187: UI improved debugging in minification.
ATLAS-2188: UI can trim whitespaces at the beginning or end of search query.
ATLAS-2189: IE-9 Alignment Issues.
ATLAS-2192: notification consumer updates to handle stale split messages.
ATLAS-2194: In Basic Search for Tag if any columns are removed then UI throws exception.
ATLAS-2195: fix to close a graph transaction left open during Atlas startup.
ATLAS-2195: fix to close trasaction left open while queries index keys (#2).
ATLAS-2198: fix for Hive Hook OOM for large notification messages.
ATLAS-2211: Dangling transaction issue within GraphBackedMetadataRepository.
ATLAS-2212: UI fix to allow negative number input for tag attributes.
ATLAS-2213: Remove unused attributes from Hive hook.
HDP 2.6.2 provides Atlas 0.8.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-1198: Spring Framework (v4 with Spring security) over GuiceATLAS-1872 Spring fix for Kerberos and bean ordering/default.
ATLAS-1733: updated script to work in Windows environment.
ATLAS-1734: Import API update to make type import optional.
ATLAS-1753: Sandbox test data to avoid interference.
ATLAS-1766: updated NotificationConsumer implementation to use new Kafka Consumer API, to enable support for SASL_SSL protocol.
ATLAS-1804: Allow PAM for authentication..
ATLAS-1808: UI : All selected entities are assigned to tag when Assign Tag corresponding to 1 entity is clicked..
ATLAS-1809: UI : Update button in Edit tag attributes window should be enabled only when any update is done.
ATLAS-1810: UI : Audit details of any tag event (Added,Updated) has only tag name and event..
ATLAS-1811: UI : Audit Events are not shown in sorted order based on time sometimes..
ATLAS-1817: (.1) UI :Fix for TagLayout page when tag is not associated with any entity..
ATLAS-1817: UI : n+1 pages are created, even though only n*25 instances are retrieved.
ATLAS-1819: V2 API to get entity with classification returns 500.
ATLAS-1823: UI - Change in base path URL for few api/images to make it relative from path it is accessed..
ATLAS-1825: updated import to support optional transformation of attribute values.
ATLAS-1826: UI Create Entity : Type doesn't list the inverseRef constrained attribute options when name length is less than 3 (qinglin,xia via kbhatt)..
ATLAS-1832: If no attribute is present in tag then showing edit-button for a tag in tags tab on entity page..
ATLAS-1834: TestNG asserts over JUnit for consistency.
ATLAS-1848: update UI to remove json2.js dependency.
ATLAS-1851: update import API to support resume from a specific entity/position.
ATLAS-1866: DSL 'like' operator fails for associated entity attributes.
ATLAS-1876: fix to handle large float/double values during ser-de, export/import.
ATLAS-1878: Fix for NPE when a request without any query path lands on atlas.
ATLAS-1879: fixed - classification update removes some properties.
ATLAS-1880: search API with support for entity/tag attribute filters.
ATLAS-1889: fix to handle concurrent calls to update tags for an entity.
ATLAS-1894: Search using entity/tag attribute filters.
ATLAS-1896: Fix for adding Cross Origin [CORS] headers for Atlas.
ATLAS-1897: UI - Render HTML element based on attribute data-type while assigning Tag to entity..
ATLAS-1902: updated search UI to allow user to select columns in search result.
ATLAS-1906: Atlas client should support setting hadoop-jwt token in header..
ATLAS-1908: updated to use existing Kafka consumer properties when equivalent new Kafka consumer properties are not present.
ATLAS-1914: clear button in search UI to clear filter attributes.
ATLAS-1919: Refactored ZipSink to record committed guids.
ATLAS-1920: UI : Search using entity and trait attributes - Operators for enum and boolean data type filters..
ATLAS-1925: basic search fixes for ATLAS-1917, ATLAS-1922, ATLAS-1926.
ATLAS-1927: UI updates in rendering of tag attributes.
ATLAS-1938: updated search UI to avoid unnecessary calls on Refresh button click.
ATLAS-1939: added parameter validation to prevent NPE during import.
ATLAS-1940: fix to remove duplicate type which causes Atlas server to fail during startup.
ATLAS-1944: Implemented ShutdownableThread for HookConsumer.
ATLAS-1944: updated handling of shutdown in KafkaConsumer.
ATLAS-1945: updated UI to use fixed version of plugins.
ATLAS-1947: AtlasSearchResult to include referredEntity headers.
ATLAS-1948: export fix to correct the import order.
ATLAS-1951: Fix for error code for unauthenticated REST API call..
ATLAS-1952: UI optimization to use searchResult.referredEntity to render object type attributes.
ATLAS-1956: AtlasSearchResult should include attributes present in filter criteria.
ATLAS-1960: fixed handling of import/export APIs in HA configuration.
ATLAS-1961: Basic search improvement in use of Solr index for attribute filtering.
ATLAS-1961: Basic search improvement in use of Solr index for attribute filtering (# 2).
ATLAS-1961: Basic search improvement in use of Solr index for attribute filtering (# 3).
ATLAS-1961: Basic search improvement in use of Solr index for attribute filtering (#4, #5).
ATLAS-1967: search UI - render attribute filter based on browser URL.
ATLAS-1968: updated import documentation for fileName option usage.
ATLAS-1981: Cache escaped type-query string to avoid repeated computation.
ATLAS-1981: fix for unit test failures.
ATLAS-1981: fix for unit test failures (#2).
ATLAS-1982: doc, website updated - to remove references to 'incubator', and with current PMC info.
ATLAS-1985: fix incorrect URL-encoding while redirecting to active instance in HA.
ATLAS-1988: added REST API to search for related entities.
ATLAS-1989: Hooks to include atlas-intg library.
ATLAS-1994: fix - basic-search ignores tag attribute filters when free-text query is present ATLAS-2008 basic-search gremlin query updated to use bind varibles, to avoid ClassCastException.
ATLAS-1995: updated entity-lookup-by-unique-attributes to use indexQuery.
ATLAS-1997: fix to avoid NPE while getting vertex_indices.
ATLAS-1998: Default error page for 404, 500 and Throwable from Jetty.
ATLAS-2009: Fix in AuthorizationFilter, added return for unauthorized request..
ATLAS-2014: populate createdBy, updatedBy fields on type create and update.
ATLAS-2018: UI: Attribute filter does not preserve state.
ATLAS-2020: Result Table Column Filter : Filtering using Columns in Result table always sets excludeDeletedEntities to True.
ATLAS-2021: UI Regression : Tags Tab in Entity details page not loaded..
ATLAS-2022: Validate limit and offset for basic search query.
ATLAS-2044: In-memory filtering for correctness after index query.
ATLAS-2046: UI Regression - Columns Filter not listing all attributes of a datatype.
ATLAS-2052: updated packaing to exclude junit jar.
ATLAS-2056: removed unused library references.
ATLAS-2061: fixed basic-search handling of enum attributes in filter.
ATLAS-2073: UI - removing tag or type from drop-down will not exclude respective filters.
HDP 2.6.1 provided Atlas 0.8.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-855: Atlas logs contain stale transaction eviction message.
ATLAS-1433: Atlas allows creation of tag with attributes' name same as that of its parent tags.
ATLAS-1611: Regression: Incorrect error code for the negative tests, returned: 500 server error, expected: 400 bad request.
ATLAS-1644: Taxonomy API /api/atlas/v1/taxonomies is broken.(sumasai).
ATLAS-1660: Error code mismatch in while GETing a type that doesn't exist.
ATLAS-1663: Fix defects reported by Coverity Scan.
ATLAS-1672: fix for issues flagged by Coverity scan.
ATLAS-1673: Type deletion should check for reference & instances.
ATLAS-1680: Support for browser login using kerberos keytab.
ATLAS-1681: Added type validations for compatibility with legacy typesystem.
ATLAS-1684: export should include super-type definitions, import should preserve system attribute values.
ATLAS-1685: fix for issues flagged by coverity scan.
ATLAS-1686: fixed import to use the given guid, instead of looking into store with unique attribute.
ATLAS-1688: fix lineage UI resize issues.
ATLAS-1697: fix log4j configuration for
ATLAS-1707: fix to remove external css reference for font file.
ATLAS-1709: Unit tests for import and export APIs.
ATLAS-1710: added entity-lookup API for entity create/update UI.
ATLAS-1710: added entity-lookup API for entity create/update UI (#2).
ATLAS-1714: UI : Properties tab doesn't load when an entity has attribute of type array of integers.
ATLAS-1717: IX-Documentation.
ATLAS-1718: UI update to support enum-type attributes for tags.
ATLAS-1719: updated tag association UI to support enum-type attribute values from a drop-down.
ATLAS-1721: updated action-string in the audit logs generated during import.
ATLAS-1724: ATLAS-1722: fix export to report error while exporting a non-existing entity.
ATLAS-1726: Creating type name with space causes exceptions while doing DSL search.
ATLAS-1727: Mask userdetails in quick Start utility.
ATLAS-1730: fixes in type validations and special character handling in attribute names.
ATLAS-1732: After Zoom_out from Lineage view scroll stopped working.
ATLAS-1735: Coverity Scan Fixes for 4/13.
ATLAS-1736: fixes in type validations and special character handling in attribute names.
ATLAS-1737: UI - Delete tag(classification) from UI.
ATLAS-1742: Provide option to exclude deleted entities in basic and fulltext search.
ATLAS-1744: Error when searching type with attribute name order , limit , offset (sumasai).
ATLAS-1745: Add google fonts license information to 3party-licenses.
ATLAS-1747: fixes in type validations and special character handling in attribute names.
ATLAS-1750: type ahead for entity input in create/update entity UI.
ATLAS-1751: Implement REST endpoint to support update of classification attribute.
ATLAS-1752: Fix for Atlas group for kerberos authentication.
ATLAS-1755: added checkbox to exclude deleted entities in basic and fulltext search.
ATLAS-1756: UI update to allow user to edit tag attribute values.
ATLAS-1759: UI - Add checkbox to exclude deleted entities in schema table.
ATLAS-1760: UI update to render property value per attribute type in entity definition.
ATLAS-1761: improve attribute search to enable search based on display text.
ATLAS-1762: updated error code returned by type create/updated APIs.
ATLAS-1767: Support KNOX SSO Token based authentication on Atlas REST API calls.
ATLAS-1771: confirmation dialog while deleting tag appears incorrectly in IE-9.
ATLAS-1776: UI fix to not hide 'Include historical entities' checkbox when searching a type with all DELETED entities.
ATLAS-1780: Type deletion should invalidate property keys in Titan to allow re-creation with different data type if needed.
ATLAS-1812: On browser refresh if, tag is doesn't exist, then URL should update with the first tag.
ATLAS-1815: Basic search API might return fewer entities when excludeDeletedEntities=true.
ATLAS-1816: button to navigate to next page in search-result is disabled incorrectly.
ATLAS-1818: basic-search enhancements to improve search performance.
HDP 2.6.0 provided Atlas 0.8.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-1333: fix for incorrect json4s library version in Atlas Storm hook.
ATLAS-1469: User provided values for tag attributes should be evaluated for its data type..
ATLAS-1470: Tag is not associated to an entity when incorrect value for byte type is provided.
ATLAS-1503: optimization of export implementation.
ATLAS-1611: incorrect error code for negative tests (#2).
ATLAS-1630: basic search performance improvement (#3).
ATLAS-1659: Update full-text search string when traits/tags are added/removed from entity.
ATLAS-1664: Able to add already added tag to an entity through REST API.
ATLAS-1665: export optimization to reduce file-size and export-time.
ATLAS-1666: fix for IT failures caused by earlier commit.
ATLAS-1666: Updated exception handling to avoid use of generic exceptions.
ATLAS-1667: Atlas UI cleanup for lineage.
ATLAS-1669: Removed Unused class.
ATLAS-1670: fix for IT failures introduced due to ATLAS-1664.
ATLAS-1671: fix for missing client IP in Ranger audit log for Atlas authorizations.
ATLAS-1675: type-registry re-initialization failure when instance goes from passive to active state.
ATLAS-1676: update Hive hook to set hdfs_path.clusterName attribute.
ATLAS-1682: UI update to add new overlay loader to tables; fix incorrect state while switching between basic and Advance search.
ATLAS-1687: hbase_column_family and hbase_column are not loaded after upgrade.