This release provides Flume 1.5.2 with no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.6.2 provided Flume 1.5.2 and the following Apache patches:
FLUME-2427: Be less verbose in isFileClosed() notification.
FLUME-2672: NPE in KafkaSourceCounter.
FLUME-2821: Flume-Kafka Source with new Consumer.
FLUME-2822: Flume-Kafka-Sink with new Producer.
FLUME-2852: Kafka Source/Sink should optionally read/write Flume records.
FLUME-2915: The kafka channel using new APIs will be stuck when the sink is avro sink.
FLUME-2920: Kafka Channel Should Not Commit Offsets When Stopping.
FLUME-2954: Make raw data appearing in log messages explicit.
FLUME-2972: Handle offset migration in the new Kafka Channel.
FLUME-2983: Handle offset migration in the new Kafka Source.
FLUME-3114: Upgrade commons-httpclient library dependency.
HDP 2.6.1 provided Flume 1.5.2 with no additional Apache patch.
HDP 2.6.0 provided Flume 1.5.2 and the following Apache patch:
FLUME-1334: Flume startup script for Windows.
FLUME-1734: Hive Sink based on the new Hive Streaming support.
FLUME-2058: TestFlumeEventQueue in FileChannel fails on Windows.
FLUME-2068: File Channel issue - recovering from BadCheckpoint exception on Windows.
FLUME-2095: JMS source with TIBCO (patch-1).
FLUME-2122: Minor cleanups of User guide.
FLUME-2123: Morphline Solr sink missing short type name.
FLUME-2136: Fix intermittent test failure in TestMonitoredCounterGroup on Windows.
FLUME-2137: Fix StagedInstall.java to invoke the correct startup script on Windows.
FLUME-2145: TestCheckpointRebuilder.testFastReplay fails on Windows.
FLUME-2146: Windows: Tmp file creation in TestBodyTextEventSerializer.java needs fixing.
FLUME-2150: Fix TestFileChannelEncryption failure on Windows.
FLUME-2151: Windows: Update TestExecSource to use native commands on Windows.
FLUME-2162: TestHDFSEventSinkOnMiniCluster.maxUnderReplicationTest fails on hadoop2.
FLUME-2175: Update Developer Guide with notes on how to upgrade Protocol Buffer version.
FLUME-2218: TestFileChannelIntegrityTool tests failing on Windows.
FLUME-2219: Windows: Flume tests need to know location of Hadoop native libraries (hadoop.dll).
FLUME-2224: Disable File channel dual checkpointing on Windows.
FLUME-2226: Refactor BlobHandler out of morphline sink and into HTTP source.
FLUME-2227: Move BlobDeserializer from Morphline Sink to flume-ng-core.
FLUME-2337: export JAVA_HOME in flume-env.sh.template and increase heap size.
FLUME-2358: File Channel needs to close BackingStore & EventQueue before deleting files in checkpoint directory.
FLUME-2359: TestFileChannelIntegrityTool throws exception on class teardown on Windows.
FLUME-2402: Warning seen when overflow is disabled for Spillable Channel.
FLUME-2407: Spillable Channel sometimes fails on reconfigure.
FLUME-2412: Improve Logging in Spillable Channel.
FLUME-2441: Unit test TestHTTPSource.java failed with IBM JDK 1.7.
FLUME-2442: Need an alternative to providing clear text passwords in flume config.
FLUME-2450: Improve replay index insertion speed.
FLUME-2451: HDFS Sink Cannot Reconnect After NameNode Restart.
FLUME-2501: Updating HttpClient lib version to ensure compat with Solr.
FLUME-2508: LineDeserializer causes incorrect behavior in SpoolDir Source on Windows.
FLUME-2511: Allow configuration of enabled protocols in Avro source and Rpc client.
FLUME-2520: HTTP Source should be able to block a prefixed set of protocols..
FLUME-2530: Resource leaks found by Coverity tool.
FLUME-2532: Windows : TestReliableSpoolingFileEventReader - need to close filereader.
FLUME-2533: HTTPS tests fail on Java 6.
FLUME-2534: Windows : Windows : TestFlumeEventQueue has many failures.
FLUME-2541: Bug in TestBucketWriter.testSequenceFileCloseRetries.
FLUME-2586: HDFS Sink should have an option to try rename even if close fails.
FLUME-2595: Add option to checkpoint on file channel shutdown.
FLUME-2624: Streaming ingest performance improvement.
FLUME-2632: High CPU on KafkaSink.
FLUME-2655: Update documentation for hdfs.closeTries based on FLUME-2586.
FLUME-2662: Upgrade to Commons-IO 2.4.
FLUME-2663: Address Build warnings of duplicate dependencies listed.
FLUME-2722: Windows : TestKafkaSourceUtil Unit Tests fail on Windows.
FLUME-2729: Allow pollableSource backoff times to be configurable.
FLUME-2754: Hive Sink skipping first transaction in each Batch of Hive Transactions.
FLUME-2761: Move Hive sink out of preview mode.
FLUME-2804: Hive sink should try to clean up transactions when flume exits.
FLUME-2812: Fix semaphore leak causing java.lang.Error: Maximum permit count exceeded in MemoryChannel.
FLUME-2841: Upgrade commons-collections to 3.2.2.
FLUME-2854: parameterizing jetty version..
FLUME-2865: Upgrade thrift version (0.9.2).
FLUME-2947: Upgrade Hive and thrift dependencies.
FLUME-2991: ExecSource command execution starts before starting the sourceCounter.
FLUME-3031: Sequence source should reset its counter for event body on channel exception.
FULME-2544: Windows: Incorrect Path Separator used in HDFS path (HDFS Sink).