Hortonworks Data Platform for HDInsight
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HDInsight Fixed Issues

The fixed issues listed here are issues that were specifically addressed to support HDInsight. For fixed issues in Ambari, see the Ambari HDInsight Release Notes.

Celtic-HDI-M20-HDP (October 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-124016 HIVE-20052 HIVE-20679 HIVE-21281 HIVE-21290 HIVE-21291 HIVE-21706 HIVE-21729 HIVE-21862 HIVE-22094 HIVE-22105 HIVE-22227 HIVE-22405 HIVE-22572 HIVE-22589 HIVE-22593 HIVE-22595 HIVE-22661 HIVE-22736 HIVE-22840 HIVE-22841 HIVE-22842 HIVE-22856 HIVE-22860 HIVE-22890 HIVE-22903 HIVE-22941 HIVE-22973 HIVE-22998 HIVE-23022 HIVE-23023 HIVE-23034 HIVE-23044 ORC-27 ORC-399 ORC-437 ORC-475 ORC-498 ORC-578 Hive, ORC Multiple Hive and ORC fixes
BUG-124338 ATLAS-3405 ATLAS-3417 ATLAS-3459 ATLAS-3492 ATLAS-3545 ATLAS-3592 ATLAS-3606 ATLAS-3614 ATLAS-3621 ATLAS-3658 ATLAS-3701 ATLAS-3711 ATLAS-3732 ATLAS-3734 ATLAS-3778 HDFS-15446 HIVE-22055 HIVE-22210 HIVE-22255 HIVE-22298 HIVE-22538 HIVE-22941 HIVE-23011 HIVE-23023 HIVE-23044 HIVE-23058 HIVE-23436 YARN-9685 YARN-9903 Atlas, YARN, Hive Multiple Atlas, YARN, and Hive fixes
HOTFIX-3259 HIVE-22094, HIVE-22227, HIVE-22405, HIVE-22572, HIVE-22589, HIVE-22593, HIVE-22595, HIVE-22661, HIVE-22736, HIVE-22840, HIVE-22841, HIVE-22842, HIVE-22856, HIVE-22860, HIVE-22890, HIVE-22903, HIVE-22941, HIVE-22973, HIVE-22998, HIVE-23022, HIVE-23023, HIVE-23034, HIVE-23044, HIVE-20052, HIVE-21706, HIVE-21281, HIVE-20679, HIVE-21290, HIVE-21291, HIVE-22105, HIVE-21729, HIVE-21862 ORC-27, ORC-578, ORC-498, ORC-475, ORC-399 and ORC-437 Hive, ORC Multiple Hive and ORC fixes

Celtic-HDI-M20-HDP (June 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1232 HIVE-23230 Hive Fixes an issue with Hive WareHouseConnector where the limit constraint is ignored and duplicate rows returned to user.
HIVE-1229 HIVE-22221 Hive Fixes an error in Spark driver and HiverServer2 when you run queries on large tables from the Hive Warehouse Connector.
HIVE-20707 HIVE-20707 Hive Automatic partition management
HIVE-23178 HIVE-23178 Hive/Tez Add Tez Total Order Partitioner
HADOOP-1100 HADOOP-16068 ABFS ABFS driver change to support getCanonicalServiceName override

Celtic-HDI-M20-HDP 3.1.6 (April 2020)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-122386 HIVE-21924 Hive Backport HIVE-21924: Hive doesn't skip header for text file for queries running in Tez/LLAP tasks


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121844 HADOOP-16404 Hadoop Common ABFS default blocksize change(256MB from 512MB)
BUG-118772 HADOOP-16169 Hadoop Common ABFS: Bug fix for getPathProperties
BUG-118672 HADOOP-16182 Hadoop Common Update abfs storage back-end with "close" flag when application is done writing to a file
BUG-121935 HBASE-22380 HBase break circle replication when doing bulkload
BUG-121788 HBASE-20662 HBase Fix SpaceViolationPolicy.DISABLE enforcement and SpaceQuota policy state issues
BUG-121607 N/A HBase Upgrade HBase to branch-2.1 for next HDI release
BUG-121776 N/A HDP / Stack Upgrade pack is missing for HOU (3.0->3.0, 3.1->3.1)
BUG-120341 N/A HDP / Stack Disable hive-site/hive.server2.enable.doAs property by default and don't advertise it on the UI
BUG-123346 HIVE-23033 Hive MSSQL metastore schema init script doesn't initialize NOTIFICATION_SEQUENCE
BUG-122386 HIVE-21924 Hive Backport HIVE-21924: Hive doesn't skip header for text file for queries running in Tez/LLAP tasks
BUG-119402 N/A Hive Disable HIVE_SERVER 1+ cardinality requirement for MSFT Celtic
BUG-119332 HIVE-21507 Hive Hive swallows NPE if no delegation token found
BUG-118846 N/A Hive Webhcat Hive calls fail due to missing HS2 URL
BUG-118189 N/A Hive Invalid TaskLaunchCmdOpts defined for Vertex Map : Invalid/conflicting GC options found
BUG-118417 N/A Hive Hive Metastore can't convert nvarchar to CLOB on SQL Server in Celtic HDI
BUG-121829 N/A Hive2 One of the hive server2 is found to be down post U11/U12->U13 EU/HOU upgrade.
BUG-119971 N/A Kafka NPE on missing Ranger conf - due to missing symlink
BUG-117414 AMBARI-25168 Kafka Leader for a topic is assigned 'None'
BUG-122231 N/A Phoenix HiveTezIT UTs are failing on HDP-
BUG-122702 RANGER-2691 Ranger Ranger upgrade from AtlanticM05 to Celtic fails with MsSQL
BUG-118666 RANGER-2691 Ranger External user's email address can be edited
BUG-118138 N/A Ranger Incorrect foreign key in MSSQL
BUG-121954 N/A Spark Upgrade Spark version to 2.4.4
BUG-113248 N/A Spark Spark2 test failures (Spark 2.4): HBase test failures, test_spark_hbase and test_hbasesource
HADOOP-1095 N/A Hadoop Common port hadoop-16640 to celtic m20
HADOOP-1098 N/A Hadoop Common Backport fixes for double close on wasb and abfs which affect spark streaming
HBASE-555 N/A HBase On pre-split HBase table with empty regions creating phoenix view causes infinite loop of region transition when WAL is on different filesystem than data
HIVE-1132 N/A Hive HMS `create_table` generate `hive` owned tables on unsecure Atlantic environments
HIVE-1168 N/A Hive MSSQL upgrade scripts have some issue (2.1.2000 to 3.1.0)
HIVE-1167 N/A Hive WebHCat doesn't autostart
HIVE-1169 N/A Hive Turn on point lookup optimization
HIVE-1180 N/A Hive Hive Warehouse Connector select() issue after count()
HIVE-1176 N/A Hive Wrong file owner when Hive table is created with CTAS.
HIVE-1186 N/A Hive Text file headers can get included in results for insert queries or other queries that run via Tez/LLAP tasks
HIVE-1184 N/A Hive Do as doesn't work as expected for drop view
HIVE-1198 N/A Hive/Ambari Ambari Hive check uses the wrong connection string in HSI HA
HIVE-1188 N/A Hive Yarn-Service is not launched with higher priority by HS2
SPARK-332 N/A Spark Spark Thrift Server goes down when YARN is restarted
SPARK-331 N/A Spark Spark catalog in Hive metastore is not available at first attempt
SPARK-335 N/A Spark Unauthorized 401 Exception to Spark
SPARK-337 N/A Spark Need SPARK-28699 in Celtic and U9
SQOOP-121 N/A Sqoop Enable Sqoop import as PARQUET Format for WASB, ADL Gen1 and Gen2
SPARK-341 N/A Spark backport https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LIVY-642 & LIVY-576 to celtic as hotfix
WASB-140 N/A WASB wildfly logs to the console
WASB-147 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport updates to Hadoop-16548 and Hadoop-16578
WASB-149 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport HADOOP-16660
WASB-150 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport SAS Token provider Interface from HADOOP-16730


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
HIVE-1217 N/A Hive Request to include Hive perf improvement fixes in next drop for HDI
OOZIE-383 OOZIE-3578 Oozie MapReduce counters cannot be used over 120
WASB-147 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport updates to Hadoop-16548 and Hadoop-16578
WASB-146 N/A WASB Backport HADOOP-16404: ABFS default blocksize change
BUG-122154 HADOOP-16548 Hadoop Common ABFS: Config to enable/disable flush operation
BUG-122156 HADOOP-16578 Hadoop Common ABFS: fileSystemExists() should not call container level apis


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
OOZIE-379 N/A Oozie Oozie hive jobs are failing in secure env with mapreduce.job.map.class is incompatible with map compatibility mode
SPARK-336 N/A Spark Ranger Policies do not get applied to Spark Thrift Server
WASB-150 N/A WASB ABFS: Backport SAS Token provider Interface from HADOOP-16730
BUG-122386 HIVE-21924 Hive Backport HIVE-21924: Hive doesn't skip header for text file for queries running in Tez/LLAP tasks


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
OOZIE-383 OOZIE-3578 Oozie MapReduce counters cannot be used over 120
HADOOP-1096 N/A Hadoop Common ABFS: Make RetryCount in ExponentialRetryPolicy Configurable
RANGER-179 RANGER-2356 Ranger Admin: external user's email can be edited
BUG-122051 PHOENIX-5506 Phoenix Psql load fails with lower table name

Celtic-HDI-M10-HDP 3.1.3 (September 2019)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-121448 N/A Druid Upgrade jackson to 2.9.9 and jackson-databind to
BUG-121449 N/A Druid Upgrade druid dependencies with reported CVEs in blackduck scan for Celtic-HDI M10
BUG-121450 N/A Druid Upgrade to guava 28.0-jre in Druid
BUG-121466 N/A Druid Upgrade jackson-databind to
BUG-121357 HADOOP-16460 Hadoop Common ABFS: fix for Sever Name Indication (SNI)
BUG-121434 N/A Hadoop Common Upgrade jackson to 2.9.9 and jackson-databind to and Guava to 28.0-jre in Hadoop
BUG-118772 HADOOP-16169 Hadoop Common ABFS: Bug fix for getPathProperties
BUG-118672 HADOOP-16182 Hadoop Common Update abfs storage back-end with "close" flag when application is done writing to a file
BUG-121447 N/A HBase Upgrade jackson-databind to in HBase
BUG-121468 N/A HBase Upgrade jackson-databind to in HBase
BUG-120843 HBASE-22617 HBase Backport HBASE-22617 "Recovered WAL directories not getting cleaned up"
BUG-120341 N/A HDP / Stack Disable hive-site/hive.server2.enable.doAs property by default and don't advertise it on the UI
BUG-113948 N/A Hive Spark2LLAP test failures (Spark 2.4): jvm related errors, test_tpcds[query*.sql] and test_etl_scala[*]
BUG-119142 N/A Hive Hive ptest results - Celtic-HDI
BUG-119402 N/A Hive Disable HIVE_SERVER 1+ cardinality requirement for MSFT Celtic
BUG-119418 N/A Hive Update HiveKafkaProducer to be compatible with Kafka v2.2
BUG-119332 HIVE-21507 Hive Hive swallows NPE if no delegation token found
BUG-119334 HIVE-21573 Hive Binary transport shall ignore principal if auth is set to delegationToken
BUG-118846 N/A Hive Webhcat Hive calls fail due to missing HS2 URL
BUG-118417 N/A Hive Hive Metastore can't convert nvarchar to CLOB on SQL Server in Celtic HDI
BUG-121467 N/A HWC Upgrade to guava 28.0-jre and thrift to 0.9.3-1 in HWC
BUG-119971 N/A Kafka NPE on missing Ranger conf - due to missing symlink
BUG-117414 AMBARI-25168 Kafka Leader for a topic is assigned 'None'
BUG-119492 N/A N/A Spark2 Mawo job fails due to required mvn version
BUG-119433 N/A N/A Pig Mawo job tries to build against SNAPSHOTs
BUG-121445 N/A Pig Upgrade to guava 28.0-jre in Pig
BUG-121446 N/A Pig Update groovy to 2.4.8 in Pig (maven artifact generation)
BUG-120957 N/A Ranger Ranger unit test failure on HDP-
BUG-121444 N/A Spark Upgrade Livy jackson-databind to
BUG-121441 N/A Spark Upgrade Spark2 jackson-databind to
BUG-121455 N/A Spark Upgrade SparkHive2 jackson-databind to
BUG-121456 N/A Spark Upgrade Spark2 jackson-databind to
BUG-121457 N/A Spark Upgrade Livy jackson-databind to
BUG-113248 N/A Spark Spark2 test failures (Spark 2.4): HBase test failures, test_spark_hbase and test_hbasesource
BUG-121440 N/A Spark Upgrade SparkHive2 jackson-databind to
BUG-120388 N/A Sqoop Sqoop fails to copy Table to hive using Hcat
BUG-121475 N/A Superset Superset CVE fixes for Celtic HDI
BUG-121453 TEZ-4004 Tez Upgrade jetty to 9.3.24 in Tez for Celtic HDI
BUG-121452 N/A Tez Upgrade to guava 28.0-jre in Tez
BUG-121442 N/A Zeppelin Upgrade Zeppelin com.google.guava:guava 28.0-jre
BUG-121459 N/A Zeppelin Port CVE fixes to Zeppelin
WASB-144 N/A N/A ABFS fix for Sever Name Indication (SNI)
WASB-143 N/A N/A ABFS short-term fix to Create Hive tables
WASB-140 N/A N/A wildfly logs to the console
SQOOP-120 N/A N/A Sqoop fails to copy Table to hive using Hcat
SQOOP-118 N/A N/A Sqoop: test_copyParquetTableToHive[mysql] fails
SPARK-335 N/A N/A Unauthorized 401 Exception to Spark
SPARK-333 N/A N/A Celtic-HDI UT test failures
SPARK-332 N/A N/A Spark Thrift Server goes down when Yarn is restarted
SPARK-331 N/A N/A Spark catalog in Hive metastore is not available at first attempt
OOZIE-382 N/A N/A Oozie-HA tests fail because of missing hive-ha-large-data.tar.gz
OOZIE-381 N/A N/A Oozie fails to connect to Hive
HIVE-1190 N/A HIVE Hive tests fail because persistence manager is closing in Metastore
HIVE-1185 N/A HIVE Metastore cache update jiras taken into hdp-msft release?
HIVE-1184 N/A N/A Do as doesn't work as expected for drop view
HIVE-1181 N/A HIVE Decimal scale difference between HSI and HWC
HIVE-1180 N/A HIVE Hive Warehouse Connector select() issue after count()
HIVE-1177 N/A HIVE Group by rollup returns with empty result when the grouped dataset is empty
HIVE-1176 N/A N/A Wrong file owner when Hive table is created with CTAS.
HIVE-1174 N/A HIVE CTAS ends with wrong data types
HIVE-1173 N/A HIVE TPCDS tests fails in setup phase on ABFS
HIVE-1172 N/A HIVE Varying result in certain cases
HIVE-1170 N/A N/A EOFException in ABFS unsecure Hive tests
HIVE-1169 N/A N/A Turn on point lookup optimization
HIVE-1168 N/A N/A MSSQL upgrade scripts have some issue (2.1.2000 to 3.1.0)
HIVE-1167 N/A HIVE WebHCat doesn't autostart
HIVE-1132 N/A N/A HMS `create_table` generate `hive` owned tables on unsecure Atlantic environments
HBASE-555 N/A N/A On pre-split HBase table with empty regions creating phoenix view causes infinite loop of region transition when WAL is on different filesystem than data
HBASE-548 N/A N/A test_runIntegrationTestZKAndFSPermissions fails on secure environments


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-119395 AMBARI-25235 Ambari Add a sysprep configurations to run conf-selects only a single time


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-118138 N/A Ranger Incorrect foreign key in MSSQL
OOZIE-379 N/A OOZIE Oozie hive jobs are failing in secure env with mapreduce.job.map.class is incompatible with map compatibility mode


Bug ID Apache JIRA Apache Component Summary
BUG-119999 HIVE-21831 Hive Import of acid table doesn't update row count metadata - import_export.q
BUG-121200 N/A Hive Backport HIVE-20707 and related patches to Celtic HDI
RANGER-179 RANGER-2356 N/A Admin: external user's email can be edited

Celtic-HDP 3.1.2 (April 2019)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
BUG-118672 HADOOP-16182 Hadoop Common Update abfs storage back-end with "close" flag when application is done writing to a file
BUG-118762 HADOOP-16157 Hadoop Common [Clean-up] Remove NULL check before instanceof in AzureNativeFileSystemStore
BUG-118763 HADOOP-15813 Hadoop Common Enable more reliable SSL connection reuse
BUG-118764 HADOOP-16163 Hadoop Common NPE in setup/teardown of ITestAbfsDelegationTokens
BUG-118770 HADOOP-16068 Hadoop Common ABFS Authentication and Delegation Token plugins to optionally be bound to specific URI of the store
BUG-118772 HADOOP-16169 Hadoop Common ABFS: Bug fix for getPathProperties
BUG-118774 HADOOP-16105 Hadoop Common WASB in secure mode does not set connectingUsingSAS
BUG-118779 HADOOP-16104 Hadoop Common WASB tests to downgrade to skip when test a/c is namespace enabled
BUG-118780 HADOOP-15582 Hadoop Common Document ABFS
BUG-118846 N/A Hadoop Common WebHcat Hive calls fail due to missing HS2 URL
BUG-118965 HADOOP-15994 Hadoop Common Upgrade Jackson2 to 2.9.8
WASB-140 N/A Hadoop Common wildfly logs to the console
HBASE-548 N/A HBase test_runIntegrationTestZKAndFSPermissions fails on secure environments
BUG-118417 N/A Hive Hive Metastore can't convert nvarchar to CLOB on SQL Server in Celtic HDInsight
HIVE-1167 N/A Hive WebHCat doesn't autostart
HIVE-1169 N/A Hive Turn-on point lookup optimization
HIVE-1173 N/A Hive TPCDS tests fails in setup phase on ABFS
HIVE-1168 N/A Hive MSSQL upgrade scripts have some issue (2.1.2000 to 3.1.0)
HIVE-1176 N/A Hive Wrong file owner when Hive table is created with CTAS.
HIVE-1180 N/A Hive Hive Warehouse Connector select() issue after count()
BUG-119402 N/A Hive Disable HIVE_SERVER 1+ cardinality requirement for HDP 3.1.2 for HDInsight
BUG-119332 HIVE-21507 Hive Hive swallows NPE if no delegation token is found
BUG-118846 N/A Hive WebHCat Hive calls fail due to missing HiveServer2 URL
BUG-113948 N/A Hive, Spark Spark2LLAP test failures (Spark 2.4): JVM related errors, test_tpcds[query*.sql] and test_etl_scala[*]
BUG-117414 AMBARI-25168 Kafka Leader for a topic is assigned 'None'
RMP-12966 N/A Spark Upgrade Spark to V2.4
SPARK-331 N/A Spark Spark catalog in Hive metastore is not available at first attempt
SPARK-332 N/A Spark Spark Thrift Server goes down when Yarn is restarted
BUG-113248 N/A Spark Spark2 test failures (Spark 2.4): HBase test failures, test_spark_hbase and test_hbasesource
SQOOP-118 N/A Sqoop Sqoop: test_copyParquetTableToHive[mysql] fails


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
OOZIE-379 N/A Oozie Oozie Hive jobs are failing in secure environment with mapreduce.job.map.class is incompatible with map compatibility mode
BUG-118138 N/A Ranger Incorrect foreign key in MSSQL
BUG-118666 RANGER-2356 Ranger External user's email address can be edited


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
RANGER-179 N/A Ranger Admin: External user's email can be edited

Atlantic- HDP 3.0.2 (March 2019)

Incorrect Results

Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
HIVE-1112 N/A Hive Incorrect results with query result cache
HIVE-1118 N/A Hive Show tables not listing the table when queries on the table work
HIVE-1119 N/A Hive TPCDS - query91 returns 0 rows (incorrect results)
SPARK-300 N/A Spark Spark history server UI doesnt show all applications in secure spark 2.2


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
BUG-114180 HBASE-21466 HBase WALProcedureStore uses wrong FileSystem if wal.dir is not under rootdir
BUG-115734 HBASE-21523, HBASE-21524 HBase Chatty DEBUG logging in Master log
HBASE-536 N/A HBase System table hbase:namepace left in transition after upgrade from HBase 1.1 to HBase 2.0
HBASE-540 N/A HBase HMaster fails in HDP 3.0 with HBase 2.0 when using Azure managed disk for WAL logs
HBASE-544 N/A HBase Regression on split_2 on WASB
HDFS-197 N/A Hadoop Common Bug in hadoop-httpfs systemd service scripts
HDFS-199 N/A Hadoop Common WASB2 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.isBase64
HDFS-200 N/A Hadoop Common HDP cluster fails with AzureException: No credentials found for account mycluster in the configuration
HDFS-202 N/A Hadoop Common hadoop-httpsfs.service file doesn't exist on 3.0 cluster
HIVE-1017 N/A Hive The property StatusFolder that unicode content will be changed when we sumit job with powershell CLI (status folder isn't generated if the statusfolder only unicode content)
HIVE-1110 N/A Hive Bucket file name issues on HDI atlantic
HIVE-1114 N/A Hive Hive CLI does not work on the LLAP cluster for 3.0
HIVE-1120 N/A Hive HiveServer2 Interactive stops during deployment phase
HIVE-1136 N/A Hive Hive throws OutOfMemoryError on ABFS during QueryResultsCache operation
HIVE-1154 N/A Hive Permission Denied for Create External Table with fallback authorization
HIVE-1165 HIVE-21214 Hive HiveServer2 split 2 empty bucket tests fail due to missing data from output
OOZIE-371 N/A Oozie Oozie fails to get job information from Hadoop on ABFS
PHOENIX-134 N/A Phoenix Phoenix IOException while using ABFS
RANGER-174 N/A Ranger Ranger start may be prevented by leftover DB entry
SPARK-307 N/A Spark Error in custom script action
SPARK-310 N/A Spark STS shows ambari alerts
SPARK-316 N/A Spark Backport BUG-110970 into HDI
SPARK-319 N/A Spark Secure Spark cluster creation failure with WASB
WASB-136 N/A Spark enable use of HDP nameservice filesystem paths in WASB2 (abfs and abfss protocols)
YARN-320 N/A Spark METRICS_COLLECTOR is not starting on HDInsight Atlantic ABFS unsecure runs
YARN-322 N/A Spark Spark UI failed due to certificate verification error
ZOOK-67 N/A Spark zoo.cfg does not exist in /usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-client/conf dir


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
WASB-132 N/A N/A WASB: improve listStatus performance (Port HADOOP-15547)

Query Failure

Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
HDFS-201 N/A Hadoop Common Hive jobs on ABFS 3.0 clusters fail with NoSuchMethodError from commons.codec
BUG-96841 HIVE-20510, HIVE-20540 Hive Bucketing: _bucket_number is marked as a constant, not a virtual column


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
HIVE-1113 N/A Hive Incorrect property value for hive.security.metastore.authorization.manager - Atlantic HDI
HIVE-1140 N/A Hive HiveServer2 cannot start in WASB Secure for Atlantic clusters
RANGER-118 N/A Hive Maintain parity with Ranger-HDFS policy-spec wrt recursive and wildcard
SPARK-317 N/A Spark Livy broken in secure spark clusters
QE-21187 N/A HDFS, MapReduce, YARN YARN and HDFS test failures due to OpenSSL logging
BUG-118138 N/A Ranger Incorrect foreign key in MSSQL


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
BUG-113464 HIVE-20834 Hive Hive QueryResultCache entries keeping reference to SemanticAnalyzer from cached query
BUG-114044 RANGER-2286 Ranger Ranger start may be prevented by leftover database entry
ZEP-65 N/A Zeppelin Zeppelin modifies the authentication cache on logout, which breaks behavior for HDInsight


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
HIVE-1116 N/A Hive Kill API support on WebHCat for Hive
HIVE-1129 N/A Hive Hive JDBC jars for Beeline not available for download in public URL
HIVE-1149 N/A Hive AzureDB schema no longer packaged with Hive
ZEP-80 N/A Zeppelin Kerberos (SPNEGO) Support
ZEP-81 N/A Zeppelin Zeppelin UI doesn't load fully on Chrome (Works on Edge)


Bug ID Apache JIRA Component Summary
SPARK-309 N/A Spark beeline on port 10002 doesnt work