This release provides HBase 2.1.6 and the listed Apache patches.
- HBASE-22380HBasebreak circle replication when doing bulkload
- HBASE-20662HBaseFix SpaceViolationPolicy.DISABLE enforcement and SpaceQuota policy state issues
- HBASE-22617HBaseBackport HBASE-22617 "Recovered WAL directories not getting cleaned up"
This previous release provided HBase 2.0.2 and the listed Apache patches.
HBASE-20723: Custom hbase.wal.dir results in data loss because we write recovered edits into a different place than where the recovering region server looks for them
HBASE-20722: Make RegionServerTracker only depend on children changed event
HBASE-20668: Avoid permission change if ExportSnapshot's copy fails
HBASE-20657: Retrying RPC call for ModifyTableProcedure may get stuck
HBASE-20635: Add missing shaded-pb conversion method for UserPermission
HBASE-20627: Relocate RS Group pre/post hooks from RSGroupAdminServer to RSGroupAdminEndpoint
HBASE-20579: Include original exception in wrapped exception
HBASE-20579: Improve snapshot manifest copy in ExportSnapshot
HBASE-20547: Restore from backup will fail if done from a different file system
HBASE-20531: RS may throw NPE when close meta regions in shutdown procedure.
HBASE-20495: REST unit test fails with NoClassDefFoundError against hadoop3
HBASE-20196: Maintain all regions with same size in memstore flusher
HBASE-20136: TestKeyValue misses ClassRule and Category annotations
HBASE-19735: Create a client-tarball assembly
HBASE-19478: Utilize multi-get to speed up WAL file checking in BackupLogCleaner (Toshihiro Suzuki)
HBASE-18135: Implement mechanism for RegionServers to report file archival for space quotas
HBASE-18133: Decrease quota reaction latency by HBase
HBASE-17549: HBase-Spark Module: Corrected - Incorrect log at println and unwanted comment code
HBASE-21440: Assign procedure on the crashed server is not properly interrupted
HBASE-21344: Fix TestMetaShutdownHandler (addendum)
HBASE-21384: Procedure with holdlock=false should not be restored lock when restarts
HBASE-21344: hbase:meta location in ZooKeeper set to OPENING by the procedure which eventually failed but precludes Master from assigning it forever
HBASE-21215: Figure how to invoke hbck2; make it easy to find
HBASE-21372: Set hbase.assignment.maximum.attempts to Long.MAX
HBASE-21363: Rewrite the buildingHoldCleanupTracker method in WALProcedureStore
HBASE-21364: Procedure holds the lock should put to front of the queue after restart
HBASE-21342: FileSystem in use may get closed by other bulk load call in secure bulkLoad
HBASE-21349: Do not run CatalogJanitor or Nomalizer when cluster is shutting down
HBASE-21338: Warn if balancer is an ill-fit for cluster size
HBASE-21073: Redo concept of maintenance mode
HBASE-20937: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when rolling back procedure
HBASE-21321: Backport HBASE-21278 to branch-2.1 and branch-2.0 ("Do not rollback successful sub procedures when rolling back a procedure")
HBASE-21354: Procedure may be deleted improperly during master restarts resulting in 'Corrupt'(addendum)
HBASE-21356: bulkLoadHFile API should ensure that rs has the source hfile's write permissionls
HBASE-21336: Addendum remove unused code in HBTU
HBASE-21355: (addendum) replace the expensive reload storefiles with reading the merge result of compacted storefiles and current storefiles
HBASE-21336: Simplify the implementation of WALProcedureMap
HBASE-21355: HStore's storeSize is calculated repeatedly which causing the confusing region split
HBASE-21348: Fix failing TestRegionBypass, broke by HBASE-21291
HBASE-21345: [hbck2] Allow version check to proceed even though master is 'initializing'.
HBASE-21200: Memstore flush doesn't finish because of seekToPreviousRow() in memstore scanner.
HBASE-21323: Should not skip force updating for a sub procedure even if it has been finished
HBASE-21075: Confirm that we can (rolling) upgrade from 2.0.x and 2.1.x to 2.2.x after HBASE-20881
HBASE-21292: IdLock.getLockEntry() may hang if interrupted
HBASE-21291: Add a test for bypassing stuck state-machine procedures
HBASE-21323: Should not skip force updating for a sub procedure even if it has been finished; ADDENDUM
HBASE-21288: HostingServer in UnassignProcedure is not accurate
HBASE-21323: Should not skip force updating for a sub procedure even if it has been finished
HBASE-21055: NullPointerException when balanceOverall() but server balance info is null
HBASE-21198: Exclude dependency on net.minidev:json-smart
HBASE-21310 and HBASE-21311: Addendum fix failed UTs, some UTs are not present on branch-2.1 and some are a bit different in the implementation
HBASE-21327: Fix minor logging issue where we don't report servername if no associated SCP
HBASE-12320: [canary] Cleanup of usage and add commentary
HBASE-21311: Split TestRestoreSnapshotFromClient
HBASE-21263: Mention compression algorithm along with other storefile details
HBASE-21242: [amv2] Miscellaneous minor log and assign procedure create improvements; ADDENDUM Fix TestHRegionInfo AND TestRegionInfoDisplay
HBASE-21315: The getActiveMinProcId and getActiveMaxProcId of BitSetNode are incorrect if there are no active procedure
HBASE-21310: Split TestCloneSnapshotFromClient
HBASE-21266: Not running balancer because processing dead regionservers, but empty dead rs list
HBASE-21290: No need to instantiate BlockCache for master which not carry table
HBASE-21260: The whole balancer plans might be aborted if there are more than one plans to move a same region
HBASE-21309: Increase the waiting timeout for TestProcedurePriority
HBASE-21271: [amv2] Don't throw UnsupportedOperationException when rollback called on Assign/Unassign; spiral of death
HBASE-21251: Refactor RegionMover
HBASE-21259: [amv2] Revived deadservers; recreated serverstatenode
HBASE-21303: [shell] clear_deadservers with no args fails
HHBASE-21289: Remove the log "'hbase.regionserver.maxlogs' was deprecated." in AbstractFSWAL
HBASE-21242: [amv2] Miscellaneous minor log and assign procedure create improvements
HBASE-21254: Need to find a way to limit the number of proc wal files
HBASE-21103: nightly job should make sure cached yetus will run.
HBASE-21287: Allow configuring test master initialization wait time.
HBASE-20764: build broken when latest commit is gpg signed
HBASE-21271: [amv2] Don't throw UnsupportedOperationException when rollback called on Assign/Unassign; spiral of death
HBASE-21250: Addendum remove unused modification in hbase-server module
HBASE-21250: Refactor WALProcedureStore and add more comments for better understanding the implementation
HBASE-21223: [amv2] Remove abort_procedure from shell
HBASE-20506: Add doc and test for unused RetryCounter, useful-looking utility
HBASE-21185: - WALPrettyPrinter: Additional useful info to be printed by wal printer tool, for debugability purposes
HBASE-21281: Upgrade bouncycastle to latest - addendum adds test dependency
HBASE-21178: [BC break] : Get and Scan operation with a custom converter_class not working
HBASE-21282: Upgrade to lateste jetty 9.2 and 9.3 versions
HBASE-21281: Upgrade bouncycastle to latest
HBASE-21261: Add log4j.properties for hbase-rsgroup tests
HBASE-19275: TestSnapshotFileCache never worked properly
HBASE-21196: HTableMultiplexer clears the meta cache after every put operation
HBASE-21249: Add jitter for ProcedureUtil.getBackoffTimeMs
HBASE-21233: Allow the procedure implementation to skip persistence of the state after a execution
HBASE-21237: Use CompatRemoteProcedureResolver to dispatch open/close region requests to RS
HBASE-21228: Memory leak since AbstractFSWAL caches Thread object and never clean later
Revert "HBASE-20657 Retrying RPC call for ModifyTableProcedure may get stuck"
HBASE-21212: Wrong flush time when update flush metric
HBASE-21208: Bytes#toShort doesn't work without unsafe
Amend HBASE-20704: Sometimes some compacted storefiles are not archived on region close
HBASE-21203: TestZKMainServer#testCommandLineWorks won't pass with default 4lw whitelist
HBASE-21206: Scan with batch size may return incomplete cells
HBASE-20704: Sometimes some compacted storefiles are not archived on region close
HBASE-21097: Flush pressure assertion may fail in testFlushThroughputTuning
HBASE-21189: flaky job should gather machine stats
HBASE-21190: Log files and count of entries in each as we load from the MasterProcWAL store
HBASE-21171: Reimplement the retry backoff logic for ReopenTableRegionsProcedure
HBASE-21179: Fix the number of actions in responseTooSlow log
HBASE-21174: [REST] Failed to parse empty qualifier in TableResource#getScanResource
HBASE-21181: Use the same filesystem for wal archive directory and wal directory
HBASE-21158: Empty qualifier cell is always returned when using QualifierFilter
HBASE-21144: AssignmentManager.waitForAssignment is not stable
HBASE-21143: Update findbugs-maven-plugin to 3.0.4
HBASE-21001: ReplicationObserver fails to load in HBase 2.0.0
HBASE-20307: LoadTestTool prints too much zookeeper logging (Colin Garcia)
HBASE-21157: Split TableInputFormatScan to individual tests
HBASE-21127: TableRecordReader need to handle cursor result too
HBASE-20892: [UI] Start / End keys are empty on table.jsp
HBASE-21132: return wrong result in rest multiget
HDP 3.0.1 provided HBase HBase 2.0.0 and the following Apache patches:
HBASE-20723: Custom hbase.wal.dir results in data loss because we write recovered edits into a different place than where the recovering region server looks for them
HBASE-20722: Make RegionServerTracker only depend on children changed event
HBASE-20668: Avoid permission change if ExportSnapshot's copy fails
HBASE-20657: Retrying RPC call for ModifyTableProcedure may get stuck
HBASE-20635: Add missing shaded-pb conversion method for UserPermission
HBASE-20627: Relocate RS Group pre/post hooks from RSGroupAdminServer to RSGroupAdminEndpoint
HBASE-20579: Include original exception in wrapped exception
HBASE-20579: Improve snapshot manifest copy in ExportSnapshot
HBASE-20547: Restore from backup will fail if done from a different file system
HBASE-20531: RS may throw NPE when close meta regions in shutdown procedure.
HBASE-20495: REST unit test fails with NoClassDefFoundError against hadoop3
HBASE-20196: Maintain all regions with same size in memstore flusher
HBASE-20136: TestKeyValue misses ClassRule and Category annotations
HBASE-19735: Create a client-tarball assembly
HBASE-19478: Utilize multi-get to speed up WAL file checking in BackupLogCleaner (Toshihiro Suzuki)
HBASE-18135: Implement mechanism for RegionServers to report file archival for space quotas
HBASE-18133: Decrease quota reaction latency by HBase
HBASE-17549: HBase-Spark Module: Corrected - Incorrect log at println and unwanted comment cod