Downloading and Installing SmartSense Binary

SmartSense 1.3.1 is included with Ambari 2.4.2. Earlier versions of SmartSense are included with Ambari 2.4 and 2.2.

Ambari 2.1 and 2.0 do not include SmartSense. If you want to use SmartSense 1.3.x with Ambari 2.0 or 2.1, or in a non-Ambari installation, you can download it from the Tools tab of the Hortonworks support portal (

To install SmartSense, follow these steps:

  1. Install the SmartSense package on the Ambari server host:

    • RHEL, CentOS, or SLES:

      # rpm -ivh smartsense-hst-$HST_VERSION.x86_64.rpm
    • Debian or Ubuntu:

      # dpkg -i smartsense-hst_$HST_VERSION.deb
  2. If using the non-root agent capabilities of Ambari 2.0 or 2.1, ensure that the following commands are added to the '# Ambari Commands' section of the /etc/sudoers file on each node in the cluster: /usr/bin/dpkg *, /bin/rpm *, and /usr/sbin/hst *.

  3. Add SmartSense service to Ambari by running hst add-to-ambari.

    If you are using Ambari 2.1.2 or earlier, you will be asked for the full path of the previously downloaded RPM or DEB package; for example, /root/smartsense-hst-$HST_VERSION.x86_64.rpm.

    # hst add-to-ambari
    Enter SmartSense distributable path: /root/smartsense-hst-$HST_VERSION.x86_64.rpm
    Added SmartSense service definition to Ambari
    NOTE: It is required to restart Ambari Server for changes to reflect. Please restart ambari using 'ambari-server restart'
  4. Restart Ambari server by running ambari-server restart.

After you complete this task, you should read HST Server Placement, Activity Analyzer Placement, and follow the steps in Installing SmartSense with Amabri