HST Server Setup

For information about HST server placement, see HST Server Placement.

To set up the HST server instance, initiate the HST setup wizard with the following command; the values that you must supply are shown in italics:

# hst setup

Welcome to Hortonworks SmartSense Tool
Enter Account Name: Enter your Account Name from Hortonworks Support Portal
Enter SmartSense ID: Enter Your SmartSense ID from Support Portal
Enter notification email
: Email address where the SmartSense notifications should to be sent
Enter storage directory (minimum: 1.00 GB, default: /var/lib/smartsense/hst-server/data): Preferred local storage directory to store collected bundles
Web UI Port (default:9000): Preferred port number
Enable Web UI SSL (Enabling requires a certificate)? [y/n] (default: n): n
Looking for available JDKs at /usr/jdk64
Enter java home directory: Path to java home
Enter Cluster Name: HDP Cluster Name
Is "{Cluster Name}" cluster secured? [y/n] (default: n): Enter y if Kerberos is enabled
# hst start

You can run this command any number of times. Each invocation automatically restarts the server, implementing your changes.

The HST server uses the default storage directory /var/lib/smartsense/hst-server/data to store all collected bundles. The minimum recommended size of that directory is 1 GB, but you can change that value by using the configuration property min_required_storage in the /etc/hst/conf/hst-server.ini file.