Release Notes
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Fixed Issues

The following issued have been fixed in SmartSense 1.4.4:

Table 1.3. 

HWX Jira


ST-3595Smartsense View GET API call URL gets confused when using F5 & Haproxy for Ambari. As a result, Smartsense View returns the error: "The Smartsense Server is currently unavailable. Please make sure Smartsense Service is up and running"
ST-3430Optimize resource intensive Tez activity analysers.
ST-3455Capture SmartSense upgrade logs in support case bundle.
ST-3595Smartsense View GET API call URL gets confused when using F5 & Haproxy for Ambari. As a result, Smartsense View returns the error: "The Smartsense Server is currently unavailable. Please make sure Smartsense Service is up and running"
ST-3410rm_jmx.json report is empty sometimes.
ST-3383NameNode JMX report is empty sometimes.
ST-3295Falcon statestore.credentials file is not included in anonymization-rules.
ST-3408Upgrading HST server does not work sometimes.
ST-3252Incorrect configuration modifications are made. during an upgrade.
ST-2937After upgrading SmartSense 1.2.2 to 1.4, adding Activity Analyser component results in an exception.