Data Services Release Notes

CDP Private Cloud Data Services includes Management Console, Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW), Cloudera Machine Learning (CML) and Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE). Learn about the new features and improvements in each of these services.

New features and improvements in this version of CDP Private Cloud Data Services:

  • Platform:
  • CDW:
    • CDW simultaneously supports LDAP and Kerberos authentication for Hive Virtual Warehouses
    • Group-level access control for Hive Virtual Warehouse (Preview)
    • Ability to use quota-managed resource pools
    • Expanded Iceberg support
    • Added support for collecting CDW audit logs
    • Ability to view Impala query details and query profile in Hue
  • CDE:
    • Creating a Git repository in Cloudera Data Engineering
    • Using GPUs to accelerate CDE Spark jobs and sessions (Technical Preview)
    • Elastic Quota for Virtual Clusters
    • Updated CDE Home page
    • View Job run timeline
    • Job log retention policy (Technical Preview)
  • CML:
    • ECS Support on RHEL 8
    • Quota Management at workspace level (Tech Preview)
    • Parallel Rsync in CDSW to CML migration tool

Release notes for component services: