Upgrading a CDH 5 Cluster

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

This topic describes how to upgrade a CDH or Cloudera Runtime cluster in any of the following scenarios:
  • From CDH 5.13 - CDH 5.16 to Cloudera Runtime 7.1 or higher.

When you upgrade a cluster, you use Cloudera Manager to upgrade the cluster software across an entire cluster using Cloudera Parcels. Package-based installations are not supported for Cloudera Runtime and Cloudera Base on premises upgrades. You must transition your CDH clusters to use Parcels before upgrading to Cloudera Base on premises. See Migrating from Packages to Parcels.

Cluster upgrades update the Hadoop software and other components. You can use Cloudera Manager to upgrade a cluster for major, minor, and maintenance upgrades. The procedures vary depending on the version of Cloudera Manager you are using, the version of the cluster you are upgrading, and the version of Cloudera Runtime you are upgrading to.

Ranger plugins use a local copy of policies (client-side caching), so even if Ranger Admin server is not available during the schema update part of the process, upgrades do not impact Ranger authorization. In addition, Ranger Admin is deployed in active/active mode, so restarts do not impact the API interfaces. Ranger Admin HA will work with or without a load balancer. During Ranger Admin service upgrade, policy creates/updates are not available. This does not impact Ranger authorization since Ranger plugins continue to use the local cache.

After completing preparatory steps, you use the Cloudera Manager upgrade wizard to complete the upgrade. Cloudera Manager will restart all services after the upgrade.