Managing Data Hub ClustersPDF version

Viewing the Maintenance Mode Status of a Cluster

For any cluster, you can view the components (service, roles, or hosts) that are in maintenance mode.

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator) This feature is not available when using Cloudera Manager to manage Data Hub clusters.

  1. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the cluster that you want to view the maintenance mode status for.
  2. Click Actions > View Maintenance Mode Status....
    This pops up a dialog box that shows the components in your cluster that are in maintenance mode, and indicates which are in effective maintenance mode as well as those that have been explicitly placed into maintenance mode.

    From this dialog box you can select any of the components shown there and remove them from maintenance mode.

    If individual services are in maintenance mode, you will see the maintenance mode icon next to the Actions button for that service.