Cloudera Manager Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.6.0

Fixed issues in Cloudera Manager 7.6.0

Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-23472: Fix inaccuracies in Report Manager quota cache
Due to the inaccuracy of the HDFS quotas, the quota cache has been disabled. The modified quota will appear in the usage reports after the new HDFS fsimage was processed.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-60041: Change HBase Default Compaction Events rules
Cloudera Manager was not able to show HBase Compaction events under HBase/Quicklinks because the format of the compaction logs was changed in HBase, and Cloudera Manager events rules did not account for this change.

This issue is now fixed and users can use the quick links to access compaction logs.

Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-60066: Zeppelin fails on first run.
Zeppelin fails on first run. If Zeppelin's home directory '/var/lib/zeppelin/' is deleted, new Zeppelin service creation fails because the created directory has root as its owner. This change configures eppelin to create the directory during service creation with the correct permissions.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61178: Knox does not discover Cruise Control REST Endpoint
If CruiseControl is deployed in a cluster, Knox could not add that service to the cdp-proxy-api topology. This has been fixed
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61209: Alert publisher keeps logging "Connection Refused" for smtp server
Disabled email alerts by default in Alert Publisher, preventing exceptions from being logged when default mail server settings are unsuitable for the deployment. Email alerts, if desired, have to be enabled manually.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61233: MultiException after generating Knox SSO Token with empty TTL value
Knox's SSO token integration features require a secret to be generated and stored in the appropriate credential store for Knox. Due to previous upgrade-related issues, the 'knox_token_mac_key' Cloudera Manager parameter had to be removed, and that secret had to be generated/saved manually using the KnoxCLI. Without those manual steps, the 'Token Integration' feature did not work. This fix made the entire process automated.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61296: Solr Data folders should be readable only by the Solr user
Solr data directory permissions have changed so they are only readable by the owner and its group.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61323: HDFS Log Rotation Issues
Enabled purging older HDFS garbage collection log files with a maximum retention of 10 files and a maximum file size of 200MB.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61708: Dag scanner in Telemetry publisher can run into java.lang.NullPointerException under some race conditions.
The DAG scanner looks for files that are not processed and could be processed. If it finds multiple files during a particular run (it runs every minute), that could trigger a race condition leading to this issue. This is fixed.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61792: Cloudera Manager runs bundle collection process on only one Knox instance
Fixed an issue where diagnostic bundle only included Knox logs of one instance in the case of a cluster with an HA Knox configuration.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61799: Script to generate host certificates fails during 'Add Hosts' step when the JDK version has changed since the initial setup
A JDK upgrade causes the keytool binary to change locations. This is because the path to keytool is hard coded in frozen_config.ini when enabling Auto-TLS. This results in a failure to regenerate certificates. For the same reason, adding hosts to the cluster would fail. This change allows the keytool binary path to be verified upon reading and if it is not valid, it attempts to use the keytool located under the current JAVA_HOME.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61803: Remove Jetty version from error page for additional security
Removed the "Powered by Jetty" message displayed by the Cloudera Manager Event Server's Jetty error page for additional security.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61824: Updated the Atlas CSD to have ATLAS_HOOK created with `delete` cleanup policy
The default ATLAS_HOOK topic now has the "delete" cleanup policy.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61835: Improve handling of empty command arguments
Corruption of the arguments of one command in the Cloudera Manager database could prevent all running and future commands from progressing. Now, the corrupted command errors out if necessary, instead of being re-tried, and other commands are not affected.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61846: Restrict krb5.conf path only when managed by Cloudera Manager

Prior to this fix, when upgrading Cloudera Manager, in situations where a custom path for krb5.conf is set via Advanced Configuration Snippets, Cloudera Manager would return an error in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and cause the upgrade to fail. The workaround was to set the krb5.conf path to either /etc/krb5.conf or any path under /etc/hadoop.

Going forward, when Cloudera Manager manages the Kerberos configuration file location i.e. "Manage krb5.conf through Cloudera Manager" setting is enabled, the expected paths for the file are either at /etc/krb5.conf or any path under /etc/hadoop. When this setting is not enabled, the user can set any path for the krb5.conf file.

Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61876: Add NiFi service to ServiceDiagnosticsCommand class
Added NiFI to the Service Diagnostic class. Now diagnostic data is collected for NiFi and included in a support bundle.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-61965: Fix SAML SSO - VelocityEngine runtime failure
A user gets the following error upon login to Cloudera Manager when using SAML SSO: org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException: Unable to find resource '/templates/saml2-post-binding.vm' The issue is been fixed.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-62063: Need to make max file size configurable for support bundle generation
Generating the support bundle for Atlas failed due to the file size limit. You can now set the file size limit by setting the MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE parameter with appropriate value in the Atlas Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-62200: The Zeppelin service cannot be upgraded: the Zeppelin service type is not supported for versions between CDH 7.2.3 and CDH 7.2.12
Removed the "SPARK_ON_YARN" service dependencies, and added support for Livy 3/Spark 3.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-62242: spark.yarn.historyServer.address not getting updated
Do not overwrite spark.yarn.historyServer.address if specified in an Advanced Configuration Snippet.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-62296: Fix label for Knox Gateway UI link
There has been an issue where the "Knox Gateway UI" link from the service page of a service with Knox SSO enabled, in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, has redirected to the Knox service page in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console. The link now redirects to the Knox Gateway UI as expected.