Helm chart configuration reference

You can review the configurable properties of the CSA Operator Helm chart and their default values.

Table 1. CSA Operator Helm chart configuration properties reference
Parameters Description Default Value
flink-kubernetes-operator.enabled Specifies to install the Flink Operator or not. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.clouderaLicense Name of the secret if it was created previously. null
flink-kubernetes-operator.clouderaLicense.fileContent Cloudera license content. null
flink-kubernetes-operator.clouderaLicense.secretRef The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the Cloudera license. null
flink-kubernetes-operator.watchNamespaces List of kubernetes namespaces to watch for FlinkDeployment changes, empty means all namespaces.
flink-kubernetes-operator.image.repository The image repository of flink-kubernetes-operator. ghcr.io/apache/flink-kubernetes-operator
flink-kubernetes-operator.image.pullPolicy The image pull policy of flink-kubernetes-operator. IfNotPresent
flink-kubernetes-operator.image.tag The image tag of flink-kubernetes-operator. latest
flink-kubernetes-operator.image.digest The image tag of flink-kubernetes-operator. If set then it takes precedence and the image tag will be ignored.
flink-kubernetes-operator.replicas Operator replica count. Must be 1 unless leader election is configured. 1
flink-kubernetes-operator.strategy.type Operator pod upgrade strategy. Must be Recreate unless leader election is configured. Recreate
flink-kubernetes-operator.rbac.create Whether to enable RBAC to create for said namespaces. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.rbac.nodesRule.create Whether to add RBAC rule to list nodes which is needed for rest-service exposed as NodePort type. false
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.annotations Custom annotations to be added to the operator pod (but not the deployment).
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.labels Custom labels to be added to the operator pod (but not the deployment).
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.env Custom env to be added to the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.envFrom Custom envFrom settings to be added to the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.dnsPolicy DNS policy to be used by the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.dnsConfig DNS configuration to be used by the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.nodeSelector Custom nodeSelector to be added to the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.topologySpreadConstraints Custom topologySpreadConstraints to be added to the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.resources Custom resources block to be added to the operator pod on main container.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.webhook.resources Custom resources block to be added to the operator pod on flink-webhook container.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorPod.tolerations Custom tolerations to be added to the operator pod.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorServiceAccount.create Whether to enable operator service account to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorServiceAccount.annotations The annotations of operator service account.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorServiceAccount.name The name of operator service account. flink-operator
flink-kubernetes-operator.jobServiceAccount.create Whether to enable job service account to create for flink jobmanager/taskmanager pods. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.jobServiceAccount.annotations The annotations of job service account. “helm.sh/resource-policy”: keep
flink-kubernetes-operator.jobServiceAccount.name The name of job service account. flink
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorVolumeMounts.create Whether to enable operator volume mounts to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. false
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorVolumeMounts.data List of mount paths of operator volume mounts. - name: flink-artifacts mountPath: /opt/flink/artifacts
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorVolumes.create Whether to enable operator volumes to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. false
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorVolumes.data The ConfigMap of operator volumes. - name: flink-artifacts hostPath: path: /tmp/flink/artifacts type: DirectoryOrCreate
flink-kubernetes-operator.podSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for pod security context. runAsUser: 9999

runAsGroup: 9999

flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for operator security context.
flink-kubernetes-operator.webhookSecurityContext Defines privilege and access control settings for a pod or container for webhook security context.
flink-kubernetes-operator.webhook.create Whether to enable validating and mutating webhooks for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.webhook.mutator.create Enable or disable mutating webhook, overrides webhook.create
flink-kubernetes-operator.webhook.validator.create Enable or disable validating webhook, overrides webhook.create
flink-kubernetes-operator.webhook.keystore The ConfigMap of webhook key store. useDefaultPassword: true
flink-kubernetes-operator.defaultConfiguration.create Whether to enable default configuration to create for flink-kubernetes-operator. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.defaultConfiguration.append Whether to append configuration files with configs. true
flink-kubernetes-operator.defaultConfiguration.flink-conf.yaml The default configuration of flink-conf.yaml. kubernetes.operator.metrics.reporter.slf4j.factory.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.slf4j.Slf4jReporterFactory

kubernetes.operator.metrics.reporter.slf4j.interval: 5 MINUTE

kubernetes.operator.reconcile.interval: 15s

kubernetes.operator.observer.progress-check.interval: 5 s

flink-kubernetes-operator.defaultConfiguration.log4j-operator.properties The default configuration of log4j-operator.properties.
flink-kubernetes-operator.defaultConfiguration.log4j-console.properties The default configuration of log4j-console.properties.
flink-kubernetes-operator.metrics.port The metrics port on the container for default configuration.
flink-kubernetes-operator.imagePullSecrets The image pull secrets of flink-kubernetes-operator.
flink-kubernetes-operator.nameOverride Overrides the name with the specified name.
flink-kubernetes-operator.fullnameOverride Overrides the fullname with the specified full name.
flink-kubernetes-operator.jvmArgs.webhook The JVM start up options for webhook.
flink-kubernetes-operator.jvmArgs.operator The JVM start up options for operator.
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorHealth.port Operator health endpoint port to be used by the probes. 8085
flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorHealth.livenessProbe Liveness probe configuration for the operator using the health endpoint. Only time settings should be configured, endpoint is set automatically based on port. periodSeconds: 10

initalDelaySeconds: 30

flink-kubernetes-operator.operatorHealth.startupProbe Startup probe configuration for the operator using the health endpoint. Only time settings should be configured, endpoint is set automatically based on port. failureThreshold: 30

periodSeconds: 10

flink-kubernetes-operator.postStart The postStart hook configuration for the main container.
flink-kubernetes-operator.tls.create Whether to mount an optional secret containing a tls truststore for the flink-kubernetes-operator. false
flink-kubernetes-operator.tls.secretName The name of the tls secret flink-operator-cert
flink-kubernetes-operator.tls.secretKeyRef.name The name of the secret containing the password for the java keystore/truststore operator-certificate-password
flink-kubernetes-operator.tls.secretKeyRef.key The key that holds this password password
ssb.enabled Specifying if SSB should be installed or not. true
ssb.ssbServiceAccount.create Creating SSB service account. true
ssb.ssbServiceAccount.name "ssb"
ssb.rbac.create Generating RBAC resources. true
ssb.rbac.ssbRole.create true
ssb.rbac.ssbRole.name "ssb"
ssb.rbac.ssbRoleBinding.create true
ssb.rbac.ssbRoleBinding.name 'ssb-role'
ssb.fertnetKey This should be exactly 32-byte long randomly generated secret that will be used to encode Flink payloads with.
ssb.userManagement.registrationEnabled Predefined list of users who will be automatically registered when SSB-SSE starts. true
ssb.userManagement.users.name admin
ssb.userManagement.users.password admin
ssb.userManagement.users.isAdmin true
ssb.sqlRunner.image.repository SQL Runner image information. docker-private.infra.cloudera.com/cloudera/ssb-sql-runner
ssb.sqlRunner.image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent
ssb.sqlRunner.image.tag latest
ssb.sse.image.repository SSB engine image information. docker-private.infra.cloudera.com/cloudera/ssb-sse
ssb.sse.image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent
ssb.sse.image.tag latest
ssb.pod.annotations Configurations to customize the SSE pod to your clusters needs.
ssb.pod.resources.requests.cpu "1"
ssb.pod.resources.requests.memory "2048Mi"
ssb.pod.priorityClassName null
ssb.service.labels Specification of the Service to be created. No Service will be created when left empty.
ssb.service.spec.type ClusterIP
ssb.service.spec.ports.name "sse"
ssb.service.spec.ports.port 18121
ssb.service.spec.ports.targetPort 18121
ssb.ingress Specification of the Ingress to be created. No Ingress will be created when left empty.
ssb.storageConfiguration This is the configuration we use to store user artifacts, such as Java UDFs and can be used as durable storage for the Flink jobs as well, for example S3 sink, checkpoint/savepoint storage.
ssb.podVolumes.create You can use podVolumes and podVolumeMounts to customize SSB and Flink pods. You can specify custom ConfigMaps, Secrets and any other volume types that will be mounted to both SSB and all created Flink pods. false
ssb.podVolumeMounts.create false
ssb.ssbConfiguration.application.properties SSB configuration overrides
ssb.ssbConfiguration.log4j-operator.properties SSB Logging Overrides
ssb.flinkConfiguration.flink-conf.yaml Default Flink Configuration, this will affect all Flink jobs that are started by SSB.
ssb.database.create Installs postgres deployment, service and PersistentVolumeClaim for SSB. true
ssb.database.image.repository postgres
ssb.database.image.tag 16
ssb.database.pvcSpec.accessModes Specification of the created PersistentVolumeClaim for Postgres data. ReadWriteOnce
ssb.database.pvcSpec.resources.requests.storage 100Mi
ssb.database.auth.type Configurations to use if Postgres deployment is not created. postgresql
ssb.database.auth.jdbcUrl "jdbc:postgresql://ssb-postgresql:5432/ssb_admin"