Scaling brokers

Learn how to manually upscale or downscale the number of brokers in your Kafka cluster.

Scaling Kafka brokers in Cloudera Streams Messaging - Kubernetes Operator is a two-step manual process that involves the following tasks:

  • Scaling the number of broker replicas in your KafkaNodePool resources.
  • Moving your data by rebalancing with Cruise Control.

The order in which you scale and rebalance is different for upscale and downscale operations. In case of an upscale, you scale brokers first and then rebalance. In case of a downscale, you rebalance first and scale brokers afterward.

When you scale a KafkaNodePool resource, the Strimzi Cluster Operator automatically adds or deletes broker nodes. Initiating a rebalance process with Cruise Control automatically moves data between brokers based on a proposal generated by Cruise Control.

Upscaling Kafka brokers

Complete these steps to upscale the number of brokers in your Kafka cluster

  1. Add new brokers to your cluster.
    This is done by updating the replica count in your KafkaNodePool resources, which you can do in the following two ways.
    • Update the value of spec.replicas directly in the resource and apply your changes.
    • Scale the resource with kubectl scale.
      kubectl scale kafkanodepool [***NODE POOL NAME***] \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] \
  2. Wait until readiness checks are complete and all new brokers are in a Ready state.
    Use the following command to monitor cluster state.
    kubectl get pods --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] --output wide --watch
  3. Rebalance your cluster with Cruise Control.
    When upscaling a cluster, rebalancing moves data to newly added brokers.
    1. Create a YAML configuration describing your KafkaRebalance resource.
      For example:
      kind: KafkaRebalance
        name: my-rebalance
        mode: add-brokers
        brokers: [3]
      • Note down the resource name you specify in You will need to specify the name in the steps that follow.
      • spec.mode specifies the mode to use for rebalancing. The add-brokers mode is used after upscaling a cluster. This mode moves replicas to newly added brokers.
      • spec.brokers is a list of the new broker IDs.
    2. Create the resource.
      kubectl apply --filename [***YAML CONFIG***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      Creating the resource generates an optimization proposal from Cruise Control.
    3. View the generated optimization proposal.
      kubectl describe kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      The generated optimization proposal will be similar to the following example.
          Last Transition Time:  2023-10-18T09:46:28.921357591Z
          Status:                True
          Type:                  ProposalReady
        Observed Generation:     2
        Optimization Result:
          After Before Load Config Map:  my-rebalance
          Data To Move MB:               1
          Excluded Brokers For Leadership:
          Excluded Brokers For Replica Move:
          Excluded Topics:
          Intra Broker Data To Move MB:         0
          Monitored Partitions Percentage:      100
          Num Intra Broker Replica Movements:   0
          Num Leader Movements:                 22
          Num Replica Movements:                45
          On Demand Balancedness Score After:   80.87946050436929
          On Demand Balancedness Score Before:  63.37577576243774
          Provision Recommendation:             
          Provision Status:                     RIGHT_SIZED
          Recent Windows:                       1
        Session Id:                             eee82364-f90e-49cb-b534-629b28cef285
      • Status.Condition.Type shows whether the proposal is ready. ProposalReady means that the proposal is ready.
      • Status.Optimization Result describes the recommended optimization.
    4. Approve or refresh the proposal.
      Refreshing or approving the proposal is done using annotation.
      Approve the proposal if your are satisfied with it. Approving the proposal starts the rebalance process. Refresh the proposal if you are not satisfied with it or if it became outdated.
      kubectl annotate kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] \ \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      kubectl annotate kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] \ \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
    5. Monitor the rebalance process.
      kubectl describe kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      Status.Conditions.Type in the output shows the current status of the rebalance process. While the rebalance is in progress, the type will be Rebalancing. After the rebalance is finished, the status changes to Ready. For example:
          Last Transition Time:  2023-10-18T09:48:13.561062593Z
          Status:                True
          Type:                  Rebalancing
        Observed Generation:     1
    6. Optional: Delete the KafkaRebalance resource.
      After the rebalance process completes successfully, you can choose to delete the KafkaRebalance resource if you no longer need it. Alternatively, you can keep the resource for later use. If you keep the resource, ensure that you refresh the generated proposal before initiating a new rebalance.

Downscaling Kafka brokers

Complete these steps to downscale the number of brokers in your Kafka cluster.

Ensure that Cruise Control is deployed in your cluster. See Deploying Cruise Control.
  1. Choose and annotate the broker you want to remove from the cluster.
    The ID of the broker that you want to remove must be set with an annotation on the KafkaNodePool resource. Annotating the broker ID tells the Strimzi Cluster operator that this is the broker that should be removed when a downscale operation is initiated.
    kubectl annotate kafkanodepool [***RESOURCE NAME***] \"[[***BROKER IDs***]]"
  2. Rebalance your cluster with Cruise Control.
    When downscaling the cluster, Cruise Control rebalancing is used to move data from brokers.
    1. Create a YAML configuration describing your KafkaRebalance resource.
      For example:
      kind: KafkaRebalance
        name: my-downscale
        mode: remove-brokers
        brokers: [3]
      • Note down the resource name you specify in You will need to specify the name in the steps that follow.
      • spec.mode specifies the mode to use for rebalancing. The remove-brokers mode is used before downscaling a cluster. This mode moves replicas from brokers that will be deleted.
      • spec.brokers is a list of the broker IDs that will be removed from the cluster.
    2. Create the resource.
      kubectl apply --filename [***YAML CONFIG***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      Creating the resource generates an optimization proposal from Cruise Control.
    3. View the generated optimization proposal.
      kubectl describe kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      The generated optimization proposal will be similar to the following example.
          Last Transition Time:  2023-10-18T07:50:28.595242008Z
          Status:                True
          Type:                  ProposalReady
        Observed Generation:     1
        Optimization Result:
          After Before Load Config Map:  my-downscale
          Data To Move MB:               1
          Excluded Brokers For Leadership:
          Excluded Brokers For Replica Move:
          Excluded Topics:
          Intra Broker Data To Move MB:         0
          Monitored Partitions Percentage:      100
          Num Intra Broker Replica Movements:   0
          Num Leader Movements:                 3
          Num Replica Movements:                54
          On Demand Balancedness Score After:   87.91899658253526
          On Demand Balancedness Score Before:  74.87703685014604
          Provision Recommendation:
          Provision Status:                     RIGHT_SIZED
          Recent Windows:                       1
        Session Id:                             5b58f7d4-260d-4047-bdbe-2534e395783c
      • Status.Condition.Type shows whether the proposal is ready. ProposalReady means that the proposal is ready.
      • Status.Optimization Result describes the recommended optimization.
    4. Approve or refresh the proposal.
      Refreshing or approving the proposal is done using annotation.
      Approve the proposal if your are satisfied with it. Approving the proposal starts the rebalance process. Refresh the proposal if you are not satisfied with it or if it became outdated.
      kubectl annotate kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] \ \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      kubectl annotate kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] \ \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
    5. Monitor the rebalance process.
      kubectl describe kafkarebalance [***RESOURCE NAME***] --namespace [***NAMESPACE***]
      The rebalance is finished once Status.Conditions.Type is Ready.
          Last Transition Time:  2023-10-18T09:49:28.612243136Z
          Status:                True
          Type:                  Ready
  3. Remove the Kafka brokers from your cluster.
    This is done by updating the replica count in your KafkaNodePool resources, which you can do in the following two ways.
    • Update the value of spec.replicas directly in the resource and apply your changes.
    • Scale the resource with kubectl scale.
      kubectl scale kafkanodepool [***NODE POOL NAME***] \
        --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] \

    The Strimzi Cluster Operator blocks the downscale operation if there are still replicas on the broker targeted for removal. If required, you can bypass this blocking mechanism.

  4. Optional: Remove the annotation from the KafkaNodePool resource.
    This annotation was added in a previous step and was used to influence which node should be removed from the cluster.
    kubectl annotate kafkanodepool [***NODE POOL NAME***] \
      --namespace [***NAMESPACE***] \