Viewing Data Asset details

Use the Asset Details menu to learn about the specifics of your asset including its relation to other asset, metadata and access updates related to it or Apache Ranger policies affecting it.

To access the Asset Details menu, click an asset in the Search menu. This brings you to the Overview tab.

  • Properties:
    • Type
    • Number of columns
    • Data Lake
    • Owner
    • Created On date
    • Modified Time
    • Namespace GUID (HBase entity specific)
    • Last Access Time
    • Table Type
    • DB Catalog
    • Parent
    • Qualified Name
    • Comment
    • Description
  • Profilers: The list of available on-demand profilers and details of the last run.
  • Classification and Terms: The list of assigned metadata.
  • Overview: Shows the chain of custody for the data from relevant metadata repositories such as Apache Atlas. Lineage overview shows both upstream paths (lineage) into and downstream paths (impact) out of a given asset.
  • Schema: Displays the schema of the data asset for structured data (such as Hive tables) from the relevant metadata repositories (such as Atlas).
  • Metadata Audits: Shows the list of metadata changes.
  • Policy: Shows security (authorization) policies defined on assets such as those present in Apache Ranger. It includes both resource (physical asset based) as well as classification based policies. This helps you understand how data access is secured and protected: what users can see what data (or metadata) under what conditions (security policies, data protection, and anonymization).
  • Access Audits: Shows the most recent access audits from Apache Ranger.